
Updates the partial workspace and downloads latest changes.


cm partial update [<item_path>[ ...]] [--changeset=<number>] [--silent | --report] [--dontmerge] [--xml[=<output_file>]] [--machinereadable [--startlineseparator=<sep>] [--endlineseparator=<sep>] [--fieldseparator=<sep>]]


Option / ArgumentDescription
--changesetUpdates the partial workspace to a specific changeset.
--silentNo output is shown unless an error happens.
--xmlPrints the output in XML format to the standard output. It is possible to specify an output file.
--reportPrints a list of the applied changes when the command is finished. Using '--silent' will override this setting.
--dontmergeDoes not merge the file conflicts, it just skips them. The other changes are properly applied. This option can be useful for automation to avoid user interaction.
--machinereadableOutputs the result in an easy-to-parse format. --startlineseparator Used with the '--machinereadable' flag, specifies how the lines should start.
--endlineseparatorUsed with the '--machinereadable' flag, specifies how the lines should end.
--fieldseparatorUsed with the '--machinereadable' flag, specifies how the fields should be separated.
item_pathItems to be updated. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. Use a whitespace to separate paths. Use . to apply update to current directory. If no path is specified, then the current partial workspace is fully updated.



The 'partial update' command updates the out-of-date files.

The command assumes recursive operation.

If all the specified paths are files inside the same Xlink when using the '--changeset' option, then the versions to download are searched in the specified changeset of the Xlinked repository.


cm partial update

(Updates all in the current partial workspace.)

cm partial update .

(Updates all current directory children items.)

cm partial update backgroud-blue.png

(Updates 'backgroud-blue.png' item.)

cm partial update soft_black.png soft-grey.png

(Updates 'soft_black.png' and 'soft-grey.png' items.)

cm partial update src --report

(Updates all 'src' directory children items, printing the applied changes list at the end.)

cm partial update src --changeset=4

(Updates all 'src' directory children items to the content they loaded in the changeset 4.)

cm partial update xlink/first.png --changeset=4

(Updates 'xlink/first.png' item to the content it loaded in the changeset 4 of the Xlinked repository.)

cm partial update . --changeset=2 --xml=output.xml 2>errors.txt

(Updates all current directory children items to the content they loaded in the changeset 2, reporting the result in XML format. The output is stored in a file named 'output.xml' and errors are redirected to the file 'errors.txt'. NOTE: redirection syntax rely on the shell.)