
Sets a branch as the working branch.


cm switch <branch_spec> [--report | --silent] [--workspace=<path>] [--noinput]

(Sets the working branch and updates the workspace.)

cm switch <branch_spec> --configure <+|-path>[ ...] [--silent] [--ignorefailed] [--ignorecase] [--workspace=<path>]

(Sets the working branch and runs a workspace configuration like the 'cm partial configure' command does.)


Option / ArgumentDescription
--silentDoes not show any output.
--reportPrints a list of the applied changes when the command is finished. Using '--silent' will override this setting. This option only works when the '--configure' option is not specified.
--configureConfigures (loads / unloads items) the workspace after updating the working branch. Check 'cm partial configure --help' to learn how to specify the paths to configure.
--ignorefailedSkips all errors during the configuration process. Incorrect paths will not cause the command to stop.
--ignorecaseIgnores casing on the paths. With this flag, option '--configure' works for "/Data/Textures" even if the user writes "/data/teXtures".
--noinputSkips the interactive question to continue the operation shelving the pending changes.
--workspace=pathPath where the workspace is located.
branch_specBranch specification. (Use 'cm help objectspec' to learn more about branch specs.)
pathPaths to be loaded or unloaded. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. Use a whitespace to separate paths. Paths must start with "/".



This command allows users to update the working branch. After updating the branch, the command updates the workspace to the new branch as the 'cm partial update' command would do. However, if the '--configure' option is specified, the command allows to configure the workspace using the new branch configuration as the 'cm partial configure' command would do.


cm switch br:/main/task

(Sets /main/task as working branch and updates the workspace.)

cm switch br:/main/task --configure +/art/images

(Sets /main/task as working branch and configures the workspace to load the /art/images folder.)