
Allows the user to inspect, register and execute repository purges. Purged revisions are no longer accessible for that repository, thus helping to free space.

Warning: Purge actions are irreversible. Once they are executed, you will not be able to load purged revisions anymore—either by switching a workspace or when showing branch or changeset differences. Use this under your own responsibility.


cm purge <command> [options]


To get more information about each command run

cm purge <command> --usage

cm purge <command> --help



cm purge register ".mkv" "1955-Nov-05 6:00 AM" --repository=timemachine

(registers a purge action for the 'timemachine' repository)

cm purge history

(lists the ID and status of all the purge actions ever registerd in the server)

cm purge show 545ec81b-23ea-462c-91f4-d7c62a6e8817 --verbose

(shows in detail the purge action metadata for a given ID, including items and revisions affected by the purge)

cm purge execute 545ec81b-23ea-462c-91f4-d7c62a6e8817

(starts a previously registered purge action)

cm purge unregister 545ec81b-23ea-462c-91f4-d7c62a6e8817

(purges that were not executed can be deleted from the registry)