
Groups pending changes in changelists.


cm changelist | clist [--symlink]

(Displays all changelists.)

cm changelist | clist create <clist_name> [<clist_desc>] [--persistent | --notpersistent] [--symlink]

(Creates a changelist.)

cm changelist | clist delete <clist_name> [--symlink]

(Deletes the selected changelist. If this changelist contains pending changes, then these will be moved to the default changelist.)

cm changelist | clist edit <clist_name> [<action_name> <action_value>] [--persistent | --notpersistent] [--symlink]

(Edits the selected changelist.)

cm changelist | clist <clist_name> (add | rm) <path_name>[ ...] [--symlink]

(Edits the selected changelist by adding ('add') or removing ('rm') the change(s) that match with the given path_name(s). Use a whitespace to separate path_names. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. The status of the paths must be 'Added' or 'Checked-out'.)


Option / ArgumentDescription
clist_nameThe name of the changelist. A path to a file containing the name can be used instead. More info at --namefile.
clist_descThe description of the changelist. A path to a file containing the description can be used instead. More info at --descriptionfile.
action_nameChoose between 'rename' or 'description' to edit the changelist.
action_valueApplies the new name or new description when editing the changelist.
--persistentThe changelist will remain in the workspace even if its contents are checked-in or reverted.
--notpersistent(Default) The changelist will not remain in the workspace even if its contents are checked-in or reverted.
--symlinkApplies the operation to the symlink and not to the target.
--namefileA valid path to a file containing the name of the changelist. Bear in mind the file must exist and its content cannot be neither empty nor multiline.
--newnamefileA valid path to a file containing the new name of the changelist when renaming. Bear in mind the file must exist and its content cannot be neither empty nor multiline.
--descriptionfileA valid path to a file containing the description for the changelist. Bear in mind the file must exist.



The 'changelist' command handles both the workspace pending changelists and the changes contained in a changelist.


cm changelist

(Shows the current workspace changelists.)

cm changelist create config_changes "dotConf files" --persistent

(Creates a new changelist named 'config_changes' and description 'dotConf files' which will remain persistent in the current workspace once the pending changelist is either checked-in or reverted.)

cm changelist create --namefile="name.txt" --descriptionfile="desc.txt"

(Creates a new changelist which name and description are both taken from files.)

cm changelist edit config_changes rename config_files --notpersistent

(Edits the changelist named 'config_changes' and renames it to 'config_files'. Also, it turns the changelist into "not persistent".)

cm changelist edit config_changes --notpersistent

(Edits the changelist named 'config_changes' by turning it into "not persistent".)

cm changelist delete config_files

(Removes the pending changelist 'config_files' from the current workspace.)

cm changelist delete --namefile="name.txt"

(Removes the changelist identified by the content of 'name.txt' file from the current workspace.)

cm changelist config_files add foo.conf

(Adds the file 'foo.conf' to the 'config_files' changelist.)

cm changelist config_files rm foo.conf readme.txt

(Removes the files 'foo.conf' and 'readme.txt' from the 'config_files' changelist and moves the files to the system default changelist.)

cm changelist edit --namefile="name.txt" description --descriptionfile="desc.txt"

(Edits the changelist identified by the content of 'name.txt' file, changing its description to the text content of the 'desc.txt' file.)

cm changelist edit --namefile="name.txt" rename --newnamefile="newname.txt"

(Edits the changelist identified by the content of 'name.txt' file, renaming it to the text content of the 'newname.txt' file.)