
Undoes the checkout of an item.


cm undocheckout | unco <item_path>[ ...] [-a | --all] [--symlink] [--silent] [--keepchanges | -k] [--machinereadable [--startlineseparator=<sep>] [--endlineseparator=<sep>] [--fieldseparator=<sep>]]


Option / ArgumentDescription
-a | --allUndoes all of the changes in the specified items. If the item(s) were checked out, the checkout will be reverted. If the item(s) were locally modified, the modifications will be reverted.
--symlinkApplies the undocheckout operation to the link and not to the target.
--silentDoes not show any output.
--machinereadableOutputs the result in an easy-to-parse format.
--startlineseparatorUsed with the '--machinereadable' flag, specifies how the lines should start.
--endlineseparatorUsed with the '--machinereadable' flag, specifies how the lines should end.
--fieldseparatorUsed with the '--machinereadable' flag, specifies how the fields should be separated.
--keepchanges | -kUndoes the checkout and preserves the local changes. Sample: undo the checkout of a file leave it as locally changed with the same content on disk that it was. This option cannot be used with dynamic workspaces.
item_pathItems to apply the operation. Use a whitespace to separate paths. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. Use . to apply the operation to the current directory.



If an item is checked out and you do not want to checkin it, you can undo the checkout using this command. Both files and folders can be unchecked out. The item will be updated to the state it had before checking it out.


  • The item must be under source code control.
  • The item must be checked out.

Reading input from stdin

The 'undocheckout' command can read paths from stdin. To do this, pass a single dash "-". Example:

cm undocheckout checkin -

Paths will be read until an empty line is entered. This allows you to use pipe to specify for which files to undo the checkout. Example:

dir /S /B *.c | cm undocheckout --all -

(In Windows, undoes the checkout of all .c files in the workspace.)


cm undocheckout .

(Undoes checkouts in the current directory.)

cm undocheckout file1.txt file2.txt

cm unco c:\workspace\file.txt

(Undoes checkouts of the selected files.)

cm unco -a file1.txt

(Undoes checkouts or local modifications of 'file1.txt')

cm unco link --symlink

(Applies the undocheckout operation to the symlink file and not to the target.)

cm status --short --changelist=pending_to_review | cm undocheckout -

(Undoes client changelist. The command above will list the paths in the changelist named 'pending_to_review' and the path list will be redirected to the input of the undocheckout command).

cm unco . --machinereadable

(Undoes checkouts in the current directory, and prints the result in a simplified, easier-to-parse format.)

cm unco . --machinereadable --startlineseparator=">" --endlineseparator="<" --fieldseparator=","

(Undoes checkouts in the current directory, and prints the result in a simplified, easier to parse format, starting and ending the lines, and separating the fields, with the specified strings.)