UGS Release Notes

How to access the latest package features

Please follow the installation instructions to upgrade your packages. If you don't see a package's latest version available in the Editor, make sure you update to the latest LTS or Tech Stream release.

Some new features are pre-releases; these are identified with the pre tag. Learn more about working with Pre-release packages.

September 2024

Cloud Code

Vivox (Voice and Text Chat)

  • Released: Version 16.5.0 of the Vivox Unity package.
    • This release adds limited support for Vivox WebGL.
  • Changed:
    • Moved the IVivoxTokenProvider validation step from Vivox SDK initialization to the Login operation.
  • Fixed:
    • Improved the overall experience of interacting with the Audio Tap inspector by registering the tap only after all fields are fully edited, instead of on every character entry.
    • Fixed a bug where the "Channel Name" field for Audio Taps would reset to empty when an unexpected value was entered.
  • Released: v5.25 of all Vivox SDKs.

Service APIs SDK 1.1.0

  • Changed: Multiplay Admin APIs are no longer under the 'ENABLE_SERVICES_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS' define symbol. However, API clients do not include these by default. To call Multiplay Admin API operations, add the EXPERIMENTAL directive to your player settings.
  • Changed: MatchmakerTicketsAPI is no longer under the 'ENABLE_SERVICES_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS' define symbol. However, API clients do not include this by default. To call MatchmakerTicketsAPI operations, add the EXPERIMENTAL directive to your player settings.
  • Changed: IServerClient.SignInFromServer is no longer under the 'ENABLE_SERVICES_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS' define symbol.
  • Changed: ProxyApi is no longer under the 'ENABLE_SERVICES_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS' define symbol (SignInFromServer depends on this).
  • Changed: The Game.Friends API is no longer under the 'ENABLE_SERVICES_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS' define symbol.

Multiplayer Services 1.0.0

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed default value for session property constructor.
    • Fixed SessionHandler dropping property's index when updating them.
    • Fixed Session cleanup when a player polls for Session updates and is kicked from the Session.
    • Fixed Session error on deleting a non-existing session.
    • Fixed port randomization compatibility with Network Game Object.
    • Fixed occasional failure to fetch matchmaking results from P2P matches.
    • Fixed matchmaking results 204 exception.
    • Fixed error relating to ENABLE_UCS_SERVER scripting define to support limited server functionality via Play Mode using non-server build profile.
    • Fixed TaskCanceledException when starting a SQP server in Game Server Hosting.
    • Fixed SavePropertiesAsync not saving session fields if properties are unchanged.
    • Fixed typo in SessionError.
    • Matchmaker deployment windows:
      • Fixed deploying queue when remote queue has filtered pools.
      • Fixed deploying queue when remote queue has no pools.
      • backfillEnabled is no longer ignored.
      • defaultQoSRegionName is now documented as required.
      • defaultQoSRegionName is now a valid region North America.
      • Both Queue and Environment config files now have the $schema doc field.
  • Changed:
    • Made QoS Calculator internal
    • Modified the Game Server Hosting configuration schema:
      • Marked server hardware settings as deprecated in 'buildConfigurations'.
    • Updated Distributed Authority session properties.
    • Set sessions' connection metadata visibility to Member.
    • Enhanced exception messages on ClientServerBootstrap worlds checks.
  • Added:
    • Added QoS region selection for Distributed Authority session creation if none is passed.
    • Added an API to query the sessions where the player has joined: IMultiplayerService.GetJoinedSessionIdsAsync.
    • Added a way to reconnect to a session: IMultiplayerService.ReconnectToSessionAsync.
    • Added exclude paths on a Game Server Hosting build, that support basic patterns (*, ?).
    • Modified the Game Server Hosting configuration schema:
      • Added server density settings ('usageSettings') in 'fleets'.
    • Added validation when accessing the IMultiplaySessionManager.Session.
  • Improvements:
    • Updated documentation to replace Game Server Hosting branding with Multiplay Hosting.
    • Fixed broken links in Multiplay Hosting documentation.
    • Updated dependency on to 1.2.7 to fix reconnection issues, notably with Lobby.
    • Changed minimum required version for Netcode for GameObjects from 2.0.0-pre.3 to 2.0.0.
    • Changed minimum required version for Netcode for Entities from 1.3.0-pre.2 to 1.3.2.

August 2024

Analytics SDK 6.0.1

  • Added: New Analytics Debug Panel accessible in the Unity Editor from Services -> Analytics -> Debug Panel
  • Changed: The minimum supported editor version for the UGS Analytics SDK is now 2021.3
  • Removed: All methods, classes and structs marked as Obsolete in earlier versions of the SDK have been removed (if you have trouble upgrading, move to 5.1.0 first, fix the deprecation warnings there, then move to 6.0.0)

Vivox Safe Voice

  • Released: The Safe Voice self-serve flow has been released as part of the Vivox Unified Safety Platform.

Vivox Safe Text

  • Released: The Safe Text self-serve flow has been released as part of the Vivox Unified Safety Platform.

Service APIs SDK 1.0.1

  • Added: Package released out of experimental

  • Changed: Moved functionality from multiple services under the ENABLE_SERVICES_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS define symbol

  • Fixed: Deserialization error in Observability GetLogs function

Multiplay Hosting SDK 1.2.5

  • Added: API to interact with Admin API

  • Added: API to interact with deployment capabilities

  • Changed: Made upload more robust in some cases of partial success

  • Fixed: Issue where gsh deploy upload may fail in some cases. A partial upload would not be retried and a subsequent build version would fail to be created

  • Fixed: With the upload command. It would not wait for sync if there was nothing to do.

July 2024

CLI 1.6.0

  • Added: [Game Server Hosting] Added support for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) as a source for Builds and Build Configurations.

  • Changed: [Game Server Hosting] Mark options: --speed, --cores and --memory for CREATE and UPDATE of gsh build configuration as deprecated to allow for backwards compatibility.

  • Changed: New usage should be set on the fleet using server density configuration

  • Fixed: [Remote Config] Fixed import and export on an empty environment.

  • Fixed: [Cloud Content Delivery] Now normalizing the path to always use forward slashes even on windows platform.

Multiplayer SDK 1.0.0-pre.1

  • Added: Adding the ability to update the session published port (NetworkConfiguration.UpdatePublishPort) to enable auto-port selection in network handlers.

  • Added: View in Deployment Window button for Multiplay Hosting and Matchmaker config as code resource files, dependent on Deployment package version 1.4.0.

  • Changed: Updating direct network options default values: listenIp and publishIp default to, port defaults to zero

  • Changed: Updating network support in sessions for netcode for entities to version 1.3.0-pre.2.

  • Changed: Updating network support in sessions for netcode for game objects v2 to version 2.0.0-pre.1 (required for distributed authority)

  • Fixed: Fix issue where gsh deploy upload may fail in some cases

Matchmaker SDK 1.1.5

  • Fixed: Fix ABTesting overrides on non-default environment

June 2024

In-App Purchasing SDK 4.12.1-pre.4

  • Added: GooglePlay - IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.GetObfuscatedAccountId(Product product) has been added to obtain the obfuscated account ID of the purchase set with IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetObfuscatedAccountId.

  • Added: GooglePlay - IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.GetObfuscatedProfileId(Product product) has been added to obtain the obfuscated profile ID of the purchase set with IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetObfuscatedProfileId.

  • Added: Apple - Added visionOS support

  • Changed: GooglePlay - Billing Library updated to 6.2.1 (was previously 5.2.1). No new feature support was added. Subscriptions must still have only 1 base plan.

  • Changed: GooglePlay - Dependencies are now injected in the gradle files. The Billing aar is no longer included.

  • Changed: GooglePlay - Updated the internal implementation to use productDetails instead of skuDetails to solve the setOfferToken warning issued by Google.

  • Changed: GooglePlay - IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.GetPurchaseState(Product product) has been updated to use the getPurchaseState() instead of getOriginalJson(). This change will make the purchase state more reliable.

  • Changed: GooglePlay - IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.ConfirmSubscriptionPriceChange has been marked [Obsolete] as it is no longer supported since Google Play Billing Library 6.0.0. For alternatives, see the price changes guide.

  • Changed: GooglePlay - IStoreListener.OnInitializeFailed for InitializationFailureReason.PurchasingUnavailable will now return the BillingResponseCode when product retrieval is successful, but an error occured and no products were returned.

  • Changed: Apple - Retrieved purchases from the store will be considered as appleProductIsRestored.

  • Changed: Apple - Product.appleProductIsRestored will no longer be sent to ProcessPurchase since they have already been processed.

  • Changed: Apple - The changes above will improve Analytics data by avoiding duplicate purchase events.

  • Changed: Upgraded from 1.8.2 to 1.12.5 to include their Apple privacy manifest.

  • Fixed: Fixed OnPurchaseFailed - It now returns the productId (previously the transactionId) in the PurchaseFailureDescription when the product isn't available for purchase.

  • Fixed: Fixed a NullReferenceException when retrieving products on Unity Engine 2020.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed errors related to CloneReference on Unity Engine 2021.1.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed an issue where dependencies were added after dependency resolution happened resulting in an error.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed Product.receipt's price_amount_micros returning the price instead of the price in micro-units.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed NullReferenceException occurring when retrieving products on Unity Engine 2021.2 and earlier.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed OnProductReceived callback not being fired with an invalid ProductID.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed an issue that happens on Windows when disabling the IAP Dependencies.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed an InvalidOperationException that could occur when obtaining purchases. (Since Unity IAP 4.6.0)

  • Removed: GooglePlay - The iconUrl and skuDetailsToken sub-entry to the Product.receipt's "Payload"'s "skuDetails" will now return an empty string since they are no longer supported.

  • Removed: Removed unnecessary Android dependency, androidx.activity:activity-compose:1.3.1, which could cause conflicts with other plugins.

Core SDK 1.13.0

  • Added: Initialization success and failure events to UnityServices.

CLI 1.5.0

  • Added: Cloud Save module service commands. Run ugs cloud-save -h to show usage.

  • Added: Support for Matchmaker to Deploy and Fetch.

  • Fixed: Now supporting multiple entries on --services and --key options.

  • Fixed: Cloud Content Delivery issue of content upload failure or timeouts for large files.

Cloud Code SDK 2.7.1

  • Added: A MessageBytesReceived callback has been added to the available subscription event callbacks

  • Added: Service registration to the core services registry

  • Added: Service access through the core services registry (UnityServices.Instance.GetCloudCodeService())

  • Added: A button to browse your files when choosing a path for a Cloud Code Module

  • Changed: The MessageReceived callback will no longer be fired upon receiving bytes via the event subscription

  • Fixed: Bindings generation is broken when ILogger dependency injection is used

  • Fixed: Cloud Code modules now cleans up compilation artifacts after deploying or generating bindings

  • Fixed: Cloud Code runtime timeout increased to 30 seconds

  • Fixed: Moved create Cloud Code Asset menu items under "Services"

Tooling SDK 1.1.0

  • Fixed: Warning about the Unity.Services.Tooling.Editor assembly being empty
  • Fixed: Moved create Access Control configuration menu item under "Services"

May 2024

Analytics Dashboard

  • Changed: Improved rendering performance of pie charts in dashboards
  • Changed: Event Manager now displays the total number of valid and invalid events received in the past 24 hours.

April 2024

Vivox (Voice and Text Chat)

  • Released: Version 16.3.0 of the Vivox Unity package.
    • This release adds the new required PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file to our Apple platforms.
  • Released: v5.23.1 of all Vivox SDKs.
    • This release adds the new required PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file to our Apple platforms.

Economy SDK 3.4.0

  • Added: Support for services instances and global point of access.

  • Added: Apple privacy manifest to comply with Apple's new privacy requirements. More details on how the Unity Engine supports this can be found here.

  • Changed: Upgraded from 1.12.0 to 1.12.5 to include their Apple privacy manifest.

  • Changed: Upgraded from 3.1.0 to 3.3.1 to include their Apple privacy manifest.

User Generated Content SDK 3.0.1

  • Added: Apple privacy manifest to comply with Apple's new privacy requirements. More details on how the Unity Engine supports this can be found here.

  • Changed: Upgraded from 1.9.0 to 1.12.5 to include their Apple privacy manifest.

  • Changed: Upgraded from 2.5.0 to 3.3.1 to include their Apple privacy manifest.

Core SDK 1.12.5

  • Added: Apple privacy manifest file (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy).

  • Fixed: Issue with the optional FEATURE_SERVICES_INSTANCES preprocessor define.

Tooling SDK 1.0.0

  • Added: Deployment implementation for Access Control.
  • Added: New-file contextual menu item for creating Access Control configurations.
  • Added: Access Control configuration asset inspector.
  • Added: Access Control deployment documentation.

CLI 1.4.0

  • Fixed: Improved Cloud Code script in-script parameter wrong argument type parsing error.

  • Fixed: Cloud Content Delivery Module Service commands. Run ugs ccd -h to show usage.

  • Changed: The env list command now outputs as a table.

Authentication SDK 3.3.1

  • Added: Support for running different profiles when using Multiplayer Player Mode.

  • Added: Apple Privacy Manifest.

  • Fixed: AuthenticationState is left in invalid state when event handlers of PlayerID, AccessToken or SessionToken throw exceptions.

  • Fixed: NullReferenceException in Player Accounts SDK if not properly set up and the application received a deep-link request.

March 2024

Use Cases Samples 2.0.0

  • Changed: The use cases are now compatible with the Deployment package and can deploy most of their service configuration using the Deployment window.

  • Changed: Reverted project to be on 2021.3 by default so that we enable an easier compatibility with all current LTS version.

  • Changed: Removed CCD addressable features and the Over the Air Content use case. Addressables and CCD are demonstrated in a number of other samples already.

  • Changed: Removed Ads features and the Ads use case. Ads are demonstrated in a number of other samples already.

  • Fixed: Battle Pass README had the incorrect key name for its virtual purchase. The correct key name is BATTLE_PASS_PURCHASE.

  • Fixed: Battle Pass README didn't list the entire Game Override content for the BATTLE_PASS_REWARDS_FREE and BATTLE_PASS_REWARDS_PREMIUM keys. That has been added in separate Game Overrides documentation files.

  • Fixed: Seasonal Events README had the wrong name for its Cloud Code scripts. Both should start with the prefix SeasonalEvents_.

  • Fixed: Removed legacy fields that prevented remote config from being parsed.

  • Fixed: WebGL compatibility issues with Cloud Code and the Virtual Shop.

Analytics Dashboard

  • Released: Data Explorer V2 in Open Beta.
    • Includes a new and improved user experience with enhanced capabilities, such as custom dimensions.

Vivox (Voice and Text Chat)

  • Released: Version 16.2.0 of the Vivox Unity package.
    • This release includes a new API for Speech-to-text along with other improvements and bug fixes.
    • This release introduces support for Windows ARM64.
  • Released: v5.23.0 of all Vivox SDKs.
    • This release contains various bug fixes and improvements.

In-App Purchasing SDK 4.11.0

  • Added: IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetMaxConnectionAttempts(int maxConnectionAttempts) to specify the max connection attempts to the Google Play Store.

  • Added: Privacy manifest to comply with Apple's new privacy requirements. For more details on how the Unity Engine supports, refer to the forum.

  • Added: ConfigurationBuilder.logUnavailableProducts to specify if unavailable products should be logged.

  • Changed: GooglePlay - The default max connection attempt to the Google Play Store has been increased from 1 to 3. See IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetMaxConnectionAttempts to configure this to a different value.

  • Changed: Apple - The log when retrieving products (SKProductsResponse) now also contains the invalid products count.

  • Changed: Improved IStoreListener.OnInitializeFailed for InitializationFailureReason.NoProductsAvailable by adding a message to clarify whether the store returned products or not.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed AndroidJavaObject not being disposed causing a global reference table overflow in an edge case.

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed bug causing BillingClient duplication resulting in ANR.

  • Fixed: Apple - Fixed isFamilyShareable on tvOS to be only available on supported versions (14.0 and above).

  • Fixed: Apple - Error codes when a purchase fails now always returns the code from Apple instead of defaulting to SKErrorUnknown.

  • Fixed: Analytics' transactionServer being null.

Core SDK 1.12.4

  • Added: Support to -no-cloud-project-bind-popup flag, to prevent the popup from showing.

  • Fixed: Bug where the project linking popup window would appear on Editor start after reimporting packages, even if the user's project was linked.

  • Fixed: Issue with .NET Standard target.

Cloud Code SDK 2.6.1

  • Added: Improved in-script parameter parsing error feedback.

  • Added: Added references of the latest javascript services SDKs for autocompletion.

  • Added: Cloud Code bindings generation.

  • Fixed: Error when selecting CloudCodeModuleReference assets in the Project window.

  • Fixed: JS script import when Node project is not initialized.

Cloud Save 3.1.1

  • Added: Added Apple Privacy Manifest.

  • Added: Support for Access Classes when interacting with Player Data, via the addition of optional options objects to existing methods in the CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Player API. For more information on Access Classes, please refer to the documentation.

    • Allows players to save data to the Public Access Class in addition to the existing Default, which allows saved data to be visible to other players.
    • Allows players to read data from Public and Protected Access Classes in addition to the existing Default, where Protected Player Data can only be set by a server authoritative source (e.g. Cloud Code).
    • Allows players to read other players' Public Player Data, by providing their Player ID as part of the new options object.
  • Added: Support for Querying in both Public Player Data and Default Custom Data, via the new QueryAsync method. For more information on Querying, please refer to the documentation.

    • Any data for which an index is configured can be queried by specifying filters on the indexed data (e.g. clanMemberCount < 20).
    • Any data stored for the returned entities (whether indexed or not) can be retrieved as part of the query response by specifying ReturnKeys in the Query object.
  • Changed: The existing CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Player.DeleteAsync has been marked as Obsolete, with a new version added that accepts options of type CloudSave.Models.Data.Player.DeleteOptions instead of CloudSave.DeleteOptions. This enables the addition of new options to support Access Classes (see above in Added).

Lobby SDK 1.2.0

  • Added: EnableLocalPlayerLobbyEvents to enable/disable Lobby events triggered by the local player.

CLI 1.3.0

  • Added: Added new service module Scheduler.

  • Added: new-file for deployment.

  • Added: list to see live schedules.

  • Added: Support for support Scheduler service to Deploy and Fetch.

  • Added: Fetch for Triggers.

  • Added: --readiness option to gsh build configuration create command.

  • Added: --readiness option to gsh build configuration update command.

  • Added: Game Server Hosting core-dump command to configure an external storage location for core dumps (GCS only).

  • Added: --build-version-name option to gsh build create/create-version commands.

  • Fixed: New-file command error for directory that does not exist.

  • Fixed: Deploy no longer requires permissions for services not being deployed, unless reconcile is specified.

  • Fixed: Fixed Economy fetch issue making it not idempotent.

  • Fixed: Fixed issue where issues after loading were not reported when deploying CloudCode modules.

  • Fixed: Fixed issue where deploying a solution as Cloud Code Module will be logged with the solution path and not the generated ccm.

  • Changed: Improved the error description when failing to deploy a solution with no clear main entry project, for Cloud Code Modules deployment.

February 2024

Cloud Services APIs SDK 0.1.1 (Experimental)

The new experimental Cloud Services APIs package provides low-level access to all public APIs by using our OpenAPI specifications. This enables you to extend UGS and build your own solutions.

To install the package in the Unity Editor, in the Package Manager, select Install package by name and add the package name

For more information on this package, refer to the Unity forum.

  • Added: API Editor samples & tutorials, available from the Services/API Samples menu item.

January 2024

Authentication SDK 3.3.0

  • Added: LastNotificationDate field to inform the client of the player's notifications last created date.

  • Added: GetNotificationsAsync method so the client can request the player's notifications.

  • Added: Notifications field to cache the notifications after GetNotificationsAsync is called.

  • Added: BannedUser error code to identify an exception when a user has been banned.

  • Fixed: Authentication refresh and expiration scheduling relying on device time which could cause edge cases.

November 2023

Authentication SDK 3.2.0

  • Changed: Custom Token Exchange ID provider to Custom ID.

  • Added: GetCustomId method to PlayerInfo.

  • Added: SignInWithSteamAsync method with appId parameter for Multiple App Id Support.

  • Added: LinkWithSteamAsync method with appId parameter for Multiple App Id Support.

  • Added: Additional App IDs to Steam ID Provider for Multiple App Id support.

  • Fixed: Serialization of player accounts settings.

Core SDK 1.12.1

  • Changed: Rolling back interface constraint in service registry due to unforeseen breaking change with transitive dependencies.

User Generated Content SDK 3.0.0

  • Changed: GetTagsAsync to only returns tags for the current environment.
  • Changed: New or updated public content will now be public instead of publicGlobal.

User Generated Content Bridge 3.0.0

  • Changed: GetTagsAsync to only returns tags for the current environment.

Safe Voice BETA

  • Improved: We improved the toxicity detection in Safe Voice resulting in a 50% reduction in the rate of moment level toxicity misdetection.
  • Added: Introduction of a new toxicity tag called “Aggressive Intent”. This tag will now highlight player behaviour characterised by extreme language that was delivered with aggressive intonation.

CLI 1.2.0

  • Added: Support for usage settings under gsh fleet commands.

  • Added: gsh server files list and gsh server files download.

  • Fixed: Economy deserialization error message when receiving invalid response.

  • Fixed: Issue where deploying a leaderboard would fail to remove Tiering and Reset config.

Push Notifications

  • Fixed: Push Notifications targeting custom audiences that include date comparisons in their definition send successfully.
  • Added: Improved setup documentation for iOS notifications.

Remote Config

  • Added: Template feature, allowing developers to set JSON schemas for their keys adding a layer of security against altering values that break player experiences. Learn more in the Template documentation.

Game Overrides

  • Added: Support for Remote Config Templates added to Game Overrides allowing for safer overriding of Remote Config values.

Deployment SDK 1.2.1

  • Added: Improved overall UI performance when using multiple services.

October 2023

Analytics SDK 5.0.1

  • Fixed: batteryLoad and deviceVolume values are no longer stale when included in some events.
  • Fixed: Unity Player ID is no longer included twice in some events.
  • Fixed: The Configure button in Unity Package Manager now correctly leads to the Analytics - Gaming Services page in Project Settings.
  • Fixed: ClearBuffer(...) no longer throws ArgumentException if a player requests data deletion while an event batch upload is in progress.
  • Improved: Recording event timestamp and integer values is now slightly faster and generates fewer memory allocations.
  • Changed: The PrivacyUrl property now returns a link to the latest Game Player and App User Privacy Policy page:

Authentication SDK 3.1.0

  • Added: Support for the Custom ID ID Provider.
  • Added: ProcessAuthenticationTokens method to enable Custom ID sign-in using the SDK.
  • Added: Support for the Unity Player Accounts ID Provider in the Unity.Service.Authentication.PlayerAccounts package.
  • Added: PlayerAccounts.StartSignInAsync to begin the Unity Player Accounts sign-in flow.
  • Added: PlayerAccounts.SignOut to sign out the current player.

CLI 1.1.0

  • Added: Bash installer to download and install the UGS CLI on MacOS and Linux

  • Added: Config as code support for economy module

    • Deploy
    • Fetch
  • Added: Config as code support for access module

    • Deploy
    • Fetch
  • Added: new-file commands for economy resources

    • For inventory items
    • For currencies
    • For virtual purchases
    • For real-item purchases
    • For Cloud Code C# Modules
    • For project access policies
    • For triggers
  • Added: support for .sln files on deploy

  • Added: .sln files now are compiled and zipped into .ccm before deploying

  • Added: Added config as code support for triggers

    • Deploy
  • Changed: Services can support multiple file extensions

  • Changed: Updated server states in ugs gsh machine list

  • Fixed: Handle exceptions when using Deploy with a Remote Config file that has unsupported config types.

  • Fixed: Issue where if a leaderboard fails to load, it incorrectly deploys as a empty leaderboard and it is not reported

  • Fixed: Added correct description when Cloud Code deploy has duplication file error during dry-run.

  • Fixed: Issue with ugs gsh fleet-region update not ensuring the fleet region is brought online by default.

  • Fixed: Handle exception for mis-spelt bool input params for ugs gsh fleet-region update command.

  • Fixed: Issue with Deploy and Fetch on Remote Config containing JSON arrays.

In-App Purchasing SDK 4.10.0

  • Changed: Unity Distribution Portal - IAP will retract support for UDP at some point in the near future (Announcement TBD). Until then, all UDP features will continue to function, but the public interfaces, as well as some private functions are now marked [Obsolete]. In the next major update these will all be removed and UDP will cease to function with that version of In-App Purchasing and those that follow.
  • Changed: Unity Distribution Portal - If the Editor can't connect to the UDP backend, you can now use some UDP catalog features in offline mode. This allows you to continue to enter prices; you must sync the prices manually. In this case, Unity recommends you sync your prices properly when connection is re-established. A warning message displays in the Catalog if the Editor can't connect to the UDP backend.
  • Changed: Analytics - The Legacy Analytics built-in module, com.unity.modules.unityanalytics, is no longer a dependency; you can remove it from your project if you don't use it. Make sure it is in your project if you do use it.
  • Changed: Project Settings - In the Services Project Settings page of the Editor, we have changed the endpoint from which the Google Play Key is obtained. Also, instead of setting the key directly in the Editor, there is now a Dashboard link to set it directly on the backend to avoid future errors.
  • Fixed: Google Play - Some versions of the Unity Editor compiler were stripping GooglePurchaseUpdatedListener.onPurchasesUpdated, which was assigned as a callback to the Google Billing module, causing a lack of purchase failure callbacks, and logging "No such proxy method:". Also fixed this for BillingClientStateListener.onBillingServiceDisconnected, BillingClientStateListener.onBillingSetupFinished and SkuDetailsResponseListener.onSkuDetailsResponse.

User Generated Content SDK 2.0.0

  • Improved: Quick Start Guide and API documentation.
  • Changed: Updated dependency from 1.7.1 to 1.9.0.
  • Changed: Updated dependency from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0.
  • Added: ContentVisibility options: public and unlisted.
  • Deprecated: ContentVisibility options: publicGame and publicGlobal. Use public instead.
  • Removed: OwnerAccountId from ContentDTO model.
  • Removed: ContentDownloadStatistics from ContentStatistics model.
  • Removed: Subscribers from ContentStatistics model.
  • Removed: ContentReportStatistics from ContentStatistics model.
  • Removed: ContentRatingStatistics from ContentStatistics model.
  • Removed: ContentPortalVisitStatistics from ContentStatistics model.

User Generated Content Bridge 2.0.0

  • Added: Examples to use external authentication in External Authentication Step.
  • Added: OAuth authentication support with Authentication package dependency.
  • Added: Dependency to version 3.0.0.
  • Added: ContentVisibility options: public and unlisted.
  • Deprecated: ContentVisibility options: publicGame and publicGlobal. Use public instead.

Game Overrides

  • Added: Ability to create A/B tests with statistical significance tracking. Refer to A/B Testing to learn more about how to leverage this new feature.
  • Changed: Goal metrics are now only available for A/B tests with statistical significance tracking.

Remote Config SDK 4.0.0

  • Changed: Dropping support for Unity 2019 & 2020, minimum Editor version is now 2021.3
  • Changed: Updated com.unity.remote-config-runtime dependency to 4.0.1
  • Fixed: Issue deploying a remote-config containing JSON array with the Deployment Window

Economy SDK 3.3.0

  • Added: Schema field to economy resource files.
  • Added: Economy resource deployment support through the Deployment Window or Deployment api.
  • Fixed: Bug preventing from deploying economy resource containing schema field.
  • Fixed: Bug where deploying a local Currency resource file that omits initial and max would not update the remote resource to their default values.
  • Fixed: Bug where deploying a local resource file that omits customData would not update the remote resource to a default customData.
  • Fixed: Bug that would halt the deployment's execution when a local resource file's content failed to be deserialized.

Cloud Code SDK 2.5.1

  • Added: Editor support for Cloud Code C# Modules deploy.
  • Fixed: Fixed Cloud Code C# modules authoring support for solutions with multiple projects.

Leaderboards SDK 2.0.0

  • Added: Optional object metadata in all score-fetching methods. If populated, the object will be stored alongside the score.
  • Added: Optional boolean includeMetadata in all score-fetching methods. If true, stored metadata for scores will be returned as part of the LeaderboardEntry.
  • Added: Optional integer limit on GetVersionsAsync method. If set, only the most recent limit number of archived versions will be returned.
  • Added: GetVersionsAsync now returns string versionId (the current version of the leaderboard) and int totalArchivedVersions (the total number of archived leaderboard versions stored).
  • Added: Optional string versionId on the AddPlayerScoreAsync method. If set, the versionId will be compared to the current live leaderboard versionId. If they do not match, the score will not be submitted.
  • Added: Editor support for Config-as-Code.

Game Server Hosting (Multiplay) SDK 1.1.1

  • Added: Support for editor authoring of Game Server Hosting files.
  • Added: Support for Deployment Window
  • Fixed: When creating a build, avoid switching target as this can cause a domain reload, instead emit a warning

Deployment SDK 1.2.0

  • Added: New Type column in the Deployment window.

Core SDK 1.12.0

  • Added: service registry and new package initialization interface for enabling instances and editor-time services.
  • Fixed: Resolved issue with IAccessTokens reaching rate limit.

September 2023

Voice and Text Chat (Vivox)

  • Released: v16 of the Vivox Unity package.
    • Unity v16.0.0 is a major update to the Vivox API which will require manual changes. Follow the 16.0.0 upgrade guide to upgrade an existing Unity Vivox implementation to this new version.
    • This version also supports the Vivox Text Chat Open Beta features.
  • Released: v5.21.1 of all Vivox SDKs.
    • This release contains various bug fixes and improvements.

Push Notifications 4.0.0-pre.1

  • Released: 4.0.0-pre.1 version

  • Changed: You can now only subscribe to OnNotificationReceived before calling RegisterForPushNotificationsAsync

    • Once RegisterForPushNotificationsAsync completes, OnNotificationReceived will be invoked if the app was launched from a remote notification
  • Changed: Updated dependency to 5.0.0

  • Changed: Updated dependency to 1.10.1

  • Changed: Added version 2.2.0 as a dependency.

  • Fixed: Behaviour when the app is launched from a push notification is now consistent between iOS and Android (incoming push notification data is broadcast after RegisterForPushNotificationsAsync flow is complete)

August 2023

Authentication 3.0.0

  • Added: Code-Link Identity Provider.
  • Added: GenerateSignInCodeAsync, SignInWithCodeAsync, GetSignInCodeInfoAsync and ConfirmCodeAsync APIs for use with the Code-Link Identity Provider
  • Changed: GetPlayerNameAsync accepts a autoGenerate parameter to prevent it from auto-generating a player name when the player has yet to create a player name.

Analytics SDK 5.0.0

  • Added: New initialization and consent flow. Please see the migration guide for more information:
  • Deprecated: The old initialization and consent flow should no longer be used and will be removed in a future version of the SDK. Please see the migration guide for more information:
  • Changed: Updated dependency to 1.10.1
  • Changed: The package no longer has a dependency on Newtonsoft.Json
  • Changed: The package now has a dependency on the Unity JsonSerialize module (JsonUtility)
  • Changed: A number of elements that were previously marked as Obsolete have now been removed
  • Fixed: Analytics no longer blocks services initialization (UnityServices.InitializeAsync) if there is no internet connection
  • Fixed: It is now possible to opt in to data collection during a session where the player has previously opted out (requires migration to the new consent flow)
  • Fixed: Application.persistentDataPath is no longer requested on some platforms where access to the file system is denied by default
  • Fixed: Event buffer is now cleared on a wider variety of server responses
  • Fixed: Events are more eagerly cached to disk (if available) on shutdown to prevent data loss if game is closed while offline
  • Fixed: Data deletion requests are now sent using the custom user ID if one is set, instead of always using the installation ID

Remote Config

  • Changed: All variants for Remote Config keys are now displayed in the Game Overrides table.

July 2023

Voice and Text Chat (Vivox)

  • Released: Vivox Text Chat in Open Beta.
    • Includes the following features: Chat History, Edit/Delete, Adaptive Chat Filter, Anti-flooding, Text evidence management, and large channel support.
  • Changed: Critical changes that render previous versions of Voice and Text Chat (Vivox) obsolete.

Game Overrides

  • Changed: Visual improvements to campaign details pages.

Push NotificationsBETA

  • Fixed: Test tool UI now returns a warning when provided with an invalid token.


  • Added: SignInWithSteamAsync and LinkWithSteamAsync methods with identity parameter which provides increased security.
  • Changed: Marked previous versions of SignInWithSteamAsync and LinkWithSteamAsync methods as obsolete.
  • Added: Username/Password Identity Provider.
  • Added: SignInWIthUsernamePasswordAsync, SignUpWithUsernamePasswordAsync, AddUsernamePasswordAsync, and UpdatePasswordAsync APIs for use with the Username/Password Identity Provider.
  • Added: IAccessTokenObserver component for notifying when the access token changes.

CLI 1.0.0

  • Added: Leaderboards now supports the ugs deploy and ugs fetch commands at the root.

  • Added: Leaderboards now supports new-file, to create an empty file for leaderboards.

  • Added: Game Server Hosting Module Service commands. Run ugs gsh -h to show usage.

  • Added: Supports builds, build configurations, fleets, fleet regions and servers.

  • Added: Deployment Definitions to the Deploy and Fetch commands.

  • Added: Analytics relatedc to command usage and options used.

  • Added: Deploy/Fetch return an array in a table-like format with -json flag enabled.

  • Added: Deploy sends file configurations into the service.

  • Added: Fetch updates local files based on service configuration.

  • Changed: Removed Leaderboards support to create and update commands in favor of deploy and fetch.

  • Fixed: Implement JsonConverters to prevent NotImplementedException when converters are invoked by reflection.

  • Fixed: A bug with the login command when stdin is redirected.

  • Fixed: A bug preventing Remote Config fetch dry run to update the fetched file name.

Core SDK 1.11.0

  • Added: IServerAccessToken and IServerEnvironmentId components for packages that want to support running operations in the context of a server.

  • Added: IAccessTokenObserver component for packages to be notified of changes to the IAccessToken value.

  • Fixed: A bug logging an additional error when deploying a file.

June 2023


  • Changed: Updated the way region is selected when there is a lack of QOS results.

Remote Config

  • Added: Remote Config Runtime 4.0.1 promoted to production
  • Fixed: Bug Fixes (WebGL build enabled, fixed bug regarding persisting auth token when app goes in background)
  • Changed: Runtime Code now adheres more to UGS standards, many Quality-Of-Life improvements

Game Overrides

  • Fixed: It is no longer possible to delete Economy keys targeted by a Game Override.

Push NotificationsBETA 3.0.1-pre.1

  • Fixed: Filters in the web UI now work as intended.


  • Added: Unity Player Accounts (beta) identity provider.
  • Added: Unity Player Accounts SDK (beta) released for Unity Editor versions 2020.3 and above. Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android platforms supported.
  • Added: Support for the Unity Player Accounts identity provider in the Authentication SDK.

Deployment 1.1.0

  • Added: Deployment now uses the main Environment Selector in Project Settings > Services > Environment, which can also be used to define the target runtime environment.
  • Added: Added inspector support for deployment definition exclude paths.
  • Added: Added support for deployment definition exclude paths in the Deployment window.

Core SDK 1.10.1

  • Added: The IAnalyticsUserId component to provide a way to obtain the user ID that the analytics SDK is currently recording events against.
  • Added: Added new environment selector in Project Settings > Services > Environments.
  • Added: Added new environment api to allow services to use a single access point for the current environment.

Remote Config Runtime 4.0.1

  • Changed: Dropped support for Unity 2020.3, minimum supported is 2021.3 now

  • Changed: Removed 2.x namespace and corresponding API's for backward compatibility with 2.x implementation

  • Changed: Removed static ConfigManager class

  • Changed: Updated SDK documentation regarding caching and unity attributes

  • Changed: Updated dependency from 1.5.2 to 1.8.1

  • Changed: Promote Candidate Experimental package to Verified Production

  • Changed: Updated delivery endpoint from to

  • Fixed: Added fix for inadvertently persisted auth token

UGC Bridge 1.0.1

  • Added: Initial release

Game Server Hosting SDK 1.0.5

  • Fixed: Issue where editors above 2020.3 were having deserialization errors on ReadyServerForPlayersAsync calls.
  • Fixed: Issue where deserializing a payload allocation was throwing an exception when used with Matchmaker.

In-App Purchasing 4.9.4

  • Changed: Google Play - Billing Library updated to 5.2.1 (was previously 5.1.0). No new feature support was added, this is simply to add compatibility with Android 14.
  • Changed: Apple - Using the CrossPlatformValidation (or AppleValidator), receipts will now be validated if their certificate chain is encoded in SHA-256 instead of SHA-1. Old receipts encoded in SHA-1 will still be validated. See Apple Technical Note.

Leaderboards 1.0.0

  • Added: Major release of the Leaderboards SDK, containing some added documentation and changes to the names, parameters, and namespace of the public interface.

Cloud Build 1.0.5

  • Added: Added define constraints to the package assembly to don't load on Unity versions < 2022.

  • Changed: Adjusted package accordingly to Unity Build Automation rebranding.

  • Fixed: Fixed documentation and dashboard links.

Player AccountsBETA 1.0.0-pre.2

  • Changed: Updated the core SDK dependency to latest version.

CLIBETA 1.0.0-beta.5

  • Added: Added Batching to import and deploy to help prevent "Too Many Requests" error.
  • Added: Cloud Code Modules now support import and export commands.
  • Added: Cloud Code Scripts now support import and export commands.
  • Added: Lobby now supports import and export commands.
  • Added: Leaderboards now support import and export commands.
  • Added: Remote Config now supports import and export commands.
  • Added: Alpine build now added to the release.
  • Added: New option --services to deploy and fetch commands. This option perform commands only to specified services.
    • [Breaking Change]: This option is mandatory when using the --reconcile flag.

[Breaking Change]: Cloud Code list command for Modules and Scripts is more descriptive. [Breaking Change]: Messages are directed to StdErr and Output into Stdout. [Breaking Change]: Cloud Code create, delete, get, list, new-file, publish and update commands are now under a parent command scripts and can be called with cloud-code scripts <command>. [Breaking Change: Deploy and Fetch output have been modified to match each other.

  • Statuses have been updated to reflect what is happening in the editor.

  • Changed: Using standardized output for all Import/Export implementations.

  • Changed: Plain text Deploy/Fetch Output now prints full path.

    • This is to disambiguate output regarding files with same name, but different path.
    • This allows to pipe individual parts such as ugs cmd 1>output 2>logs.txt.
    • In both JSON and regular formats.
  • Fixed: Cloud Code files that failed to read now reported properly in the output.

  • Fixed: Cloud Code deleted files properly reported in the Deploy output.

  • Fixed: Remote Config Entries properly reported in the Deploy output.

  • Fixed: Remote Config Fetch properly bubbles issues in loading files.

  • Fixed: An issue where fetching a file from Cloud Code that had no parameters would keep appending module.exports.parameters = {}.

  • Fixed: Using Cloud Code fetch and deploy multiple times no longer appends new lines.

  • Fixed: Improved error handling to provide more detail on certain unhandled exceptions.

  • Fixed: Cloud Code script with invalid parameters will fail to fetch and show in the "failed" result section.

May 2023

Cloud Content Delivery

  • Added: New Insights feature allowing users to access detailed CCD usage metrics.

Core 1.9.0

  • Added: New common error codes ProjectPolicyAccessDenied and PlayerPolicyAccessDenied.
  • Changed: Newtonsoft (de)serialization calls to be thread safe.
  • Changed: Bumped Newtonsoft dependency to 3.2.1 to use the latest stable version.

Remote Config 3.3.2

  • Changed: Updated implementation docs and ExampleSample.cs
  • Changed: Updated general support link in the docs
  • Changed: Improved load times when switching between versions in the UI.
  • Fixed: Deployable assets (.rc) not appearing on load in the Deployment Window with Unity 2022+.
  • Fixed: Deployment error message showing twice when duplicate keys are detected in different .rc file
  • Fixed: Compile warning was fixed

Cloud Code 2.3.2/2.4.0

  • Added: Subscription methods for player-specific and project-wide push messages from Cloud Code C# Modules.
  • Changed: Increased timeout from 10 seconds to 25 seconds.
  • Changed: Scripts are no longer cached, which would previously prevent deployments without a local change.
  • Fixed: When using JS Bundling, modifying an imported file will enable re-deployment for the main script.
  • Fixed: Selecting multiple .js files using in-script parameters, the inspector will now remain disabled for editing.
  • Fixed: When selecting multiple .js files or deployment definitions, the inspector will now properly refer to their actual types.
  • Fixed: Deployable assets (.js) not appearing on load in the Deployment Window with Unity 2022+.

Deployment 1.0.1

  • Fixed: Assets not appearing on load in Unity 2022.

Authentication 2.5.0

  • Fixed:
    • Properly disposing web request when using player names
    • Fixing exception reporting in some cases for the SignInFailed event
    • Remove time validation on client side, to prevent token expiry errors caused by the wrong date/time settings on devices.
    • Adding Preserve attributes to api models to prevent issues with code stripping for player names

Game Overrides

  • Fixed: Campaigns using Audiences which no longer exist are now displayed correctly.
  • Fixed: The Duplicate Audience button now works as intended.

Push NotificationsBETA 3.0.1-pre.1

  • Added: Improved performance and usability of the notification testing tool.
  • Added: Updated the integration guide to include Firebase App creation steps.

April 2023

CLIBETA 1.0.0-beta.4

  • Added: ugs fetch now supports cloud code scripts.
  • Fixed: Cloud Code script with invalid parameter will fail to deploy and show in deploy result in failed catagory.
  • Fixed: Deploying Cloud Code C# Modules that are empty or over the size limit of 10 MB doesn't fail silently anymore.
  • Changed: Replaced Jint with Node.js for cloud code javascript parameter parsing. Users need to install Node.js with version > 14.0.0 to parse cloud code javascript.

Core 1.8.2

  • Fixed: Fixed Newtonsoft usage so it isn't impacted by changes to JsonConvert.DefaultSettings anymore

Unity DevOps

  • Added: Unity Version Control:
    • Encryption support for Unity Version Control repositories
    • Embedded multimedia viewer to display videos, audio and 3D files (glb, gltf, obj)
    • Support adding groups as reviewers in code reviews
  • Added: Build Automation:
    • Search functionality for Build History
    • Bulk delete functionality for Build History
    • Universal Windows Platform (beta) support
  • Improved: Unity Version Control:
    • Full support for .fbx files in the embedded 3D Viewer, with embedded or external textures
  • Improved: Build Automation:
    • Now, the form clearly indicates to the user if they've made a change do their data, so they don't forget to save before leaving the page
    • Updated the Play button behaviour to support local webgl builds and custom template webgl builds
    • When modifying their Source Control settings, new users, or users without an UVCS organization, will now see a banner with helpful information about using Unity Version Control
    • Users now have the option to “Save and build” after modifying or creating their target

Remote Config 3.3.2-pre.2

  • Fixed: A single error message is now displayed when duplicate keys are detected in different .rc files
  • Fixed: Improved json deserialization for a better experience in the deployement window

Game Overrides

  • Added: Added support for an optional goal metric.
  • Added: Improved loading experience for the reporting summary table.
  • Added: Participant data now available in the reporting summary table.
  • Added: Total participants and Override length cards added to the reporting page.
  • Added: Override Started annotation added to the reporting page.
  • Fixed: Players without data now enter the “New Players” Audience where previously they wouldn’t.
  • Fixed: Crashing when switching projects during creation.

Analytics 4.4.2

  • Fixed: Revoking consent (opting out) now also uploads a data deletion request
  • Improved: Recording events is now significantly faster and generates fewer memory allocations

Analytics Dashboard

  • Added: New chart types in Data Explorer and SQL Data Explorer (pie chart, stacked bar chart)
  • Added: Option to create a pivot table in SQL Data Explorer

In-App Purchasing 4.8.0

  • Added: Added new IAP Button in the editor. This new button allows for more UI customization. The new button will no longer update the button fields by default.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed No such proxy method exception in our representation of BillingClientStateListener.onBillingServiceDisconnected() introduced by Unity IAP 4.6.0
  • Changed: Removed from the IAP SDK dependencies.
  • Changed: Google Play - Billing Library update from version 4.0.0 to 5.1.0 Google Release Notes. New Google Billing features are not supported yet, they will be included in a future major update.
  • Changed: Upgraded from 1.5.2 to 1.8.1.

Push NotificationsBETA 3.0.1-pre.1

  • Added: Step-by-step setup guide.
  • Added: Updated settings page with clearer UI and test integration option.
  • Fixed: Crashing when switching projects during creation.

March 2023

Access Control

  • Added: A new feature to control API access to specific UGS products from authenticated players, read here for more details.

Unity DevOps



Authentication 2.5.0-pre3

  • Added: Player Names:
    • UpdatePlayerNameAsync, GetPlayerNameAsync, PlayerName
  • Added: Player Management:
    • Dashboard: Enable/Disable Players
    • Public Admin API: Enable/Disable Players, List Players
    • UGS CLI: player module, create, delete, enable and disable commands
  • Changed: Player Management:
    • Player Overview: Include Creation date, Last login and Linked identities

Analytics Dashboard

  • Added: A new workflow for adding custom event definitions. Users can now submit events and our platform automatically captures the event payload to facilitate the creation of the event defintion.
  • Added: Summary row in Data Explorer. Users can now display the sum and average for each of the columns.
  • Changed: Updated table view in Data Explorer and SQL Data Explorer. Improves readability as well as provides sorting, column visibility and ordering options.

Analytics 4.4.1

  • Added: CustomData method now supports IDictionary<string,object>, IList<object> and Enum parameters
  • Changed: Events are now serialised immediately when recorded rather than as part of the upload process. This should alleviate any hitches that might have been experienced during upload (every 60 seconds)
  • Changed: Updated dependency to 1.8.1
  • Fixed: Custom user ID can now be changed at runtime (by updating UnityServices.ExternalUserId)
  • Fixed: Changing ExternalUserId now takes effect immediately, rather than after an unpredictable delay
  • Fixed: Recording a single event that is too big to upload (over 4MB) no longer prevents any further events from being uploaded (event is immediately discarded with a warning)
  • Fixed: Session ID is now refreshed when application is paused for over 5 minutes (when Run In Background is false)
  • Deprecated: The RecordEvent(Event event) API is no longer supported and will be removed in a future version

Cloud Code

  • Added: A new set of APIs to create C# Modules in Cloud Code. Enabling code reuse, nuget dependencies, multiple endpoints per module, local unit testing and more.
  • Added: Cloud Code C# CLI module.
  • Added: Cloud Code SDK v2.3.1
    • Added: Support Cloud Code C# Modules.
    • Added: Support JS bundling.
    • Fixed: Fixed an issue with null paths on cloud code scripts.

Remote Config

  • Changed: Increased limit from 20,000 to 65,535 characters for string type values.
  • Changed: Removed 20,000 characters limit for json type values. Total configuration size per environment remains 5MB.
  • Fixed: Improved example for fetching and applying configuration in Remote Config Documentation and in ExampleSample.cs.

Game Overrides

  • Added: Relative chart type on the reporting page.
  • Added: End test functionality for multi-variant Game Overrides.
  • Added: Summary table on the reporting page.
  • Fixed: Missing type for CampaignRequest condition field in the API spec.
  • Fixed: Simulation Experience not working in some cases.

Push NotificationsBETA 3.0.1-pre.1

  • Fixed: Resolved potential Firebase dependency conflicts.
  • Fixed: Added support for Android 13 permissions.
  • Fixed: Unnecessary errors were being thrown in Editor play mode.
  • Fixed: Incorrect content types were showing on the Push Notifications overview page.

Deployment Package 1.0.0

  • Added: Official GA release.
  • Added: Make internal API public.
  • Fixed: Issues with displaying new environments in the Deployment window.


  • Released: Updated Lobby SDK 1.1.0-pre.4 (Changelog)
    • Added: more specific LobbyEvents
    • Added: password protected lobbies

Use Cases Samples 1.9.1

  • Added: Serverless Multiplayer Game sample demonstrates how to utilize game lobbies and compete in a simple real-time arena-style game where players collect coins for points.

  • Changed: Upgraded the project from Unity Editor version 2020.3.20f1 to 2020.3.41f1.

    • Updated Unity Services packages to the latest released as of 2023-03-13.
  • Changed: Updated various non-UGS packages to their latest versions that are verified for Unity Editor 2020.3.41f1.

  • Changed: Removed RemoteConfigService.instance.SetCustomUserId() call from ClientVersionCheck.cs as calling that method is only necessary for specific circumstances, and ClientVersionCheck is not one of those circumstances.

  • Changed: Minor refactors to files to support newly applied linting rules.

  • Changed: Add popups to explain cause when client is forced back to the main menu in Serverless Multiplayer Game due to host leaving or kicking player out of lobby.

  • Changed: Turned off Interpolate in the Serverless Multiplayer Game to improve responsiveness in the game scene and reduce the 'host advantage' in gameplay. The flag is located in the player avatar prefabs' ClientNetworkTransform component.


  • Added: Economy SDK v3.1.2
    • Fixed: A bug that was throwing an exception when setting UnityServices.ExternalUserId.
  • Added: Economy SDK v3.1.1
    • Added: Introduction of the new sync configuration workflow. Old methods have been deprecated. See docs for more info on new workflow.
    • Removed: Removed a redundant log message when fetching a non-existent currency from your configuration.
    • Fixed: Bug that prevented the Store Identifiers field from being populated on fetch real money purchases requests.
    • Fixed: Bug which meant writeLocks weren't being set correctly.
    • Fixed: Bug that was throwing an exception when fetching virtual purchases with custom data.

February 2023


  • Added: Player Management:
    • Dashboard: Account Deletion
    • Public Admin API: Enable/Disable Players

Cloud Code 2.2.4

  • Fixed: Fixed corrupted npm libraries used for services.
  • Fixed: Missing logs in some failure cases are now handled.
  • Fixed: Added more verbose logging for diagnostics behind a preprocessor directive.

Analytics Dashboard

  • Added: Simplify Analytics Event Management - Expand creation modal to include parameters.

Analytics 4.3.0

  • Added: CustomData(string eventName) method for recording events that don't have any parameters.
  • Changed: The AnalyticsContainer object is now spawned during UnityServices.InitializeAsync.
  • Fixed: Issue where a single corrupt event could prevent all subsequent events from being sent.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when passing null instead of a Dictionary of parameters to CustomData for an event that doesn't have any parameters.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when passing null for the currency code to ConvertCurrencyToMinorUnits; it now throws an ArgumentNullException if the currency code is either null or empty.
  • Fixed: Compiler error on 2020.1 Editor versions.
  • Fixed: Documentation comment on IAnalyticsService.Flush method to clarify behavior and usage.

Game Overrides

  • Added: Game Overrides users can now set a description on their overrides to explain purpose and intended outcome of the override.
  • Fixed: Pagination is no longer persisted when switching between Game Overrides and Push Notifications, which in some cases led to an error page being displayed.

Cloud Content Delivery 2.2.2

  • Added: SetTimeout to CcdManagement to allow configuring timeouts for API calls.
  • Added: GetEntriesAsync(EntryOptions, string, int) which should be the preferred method of getting entries.
  • Added: ListEnvironmentsByProjectAsync and GetEnvironmentByNameAsync method.
  • Added: MockHttpRequest for writing unit tests.
  • Added: Unit tests for EnvironmentsApi.
  • Changed: InternalUploadAsync changed to use a signed URL to upload content.
  • Changed: CreateEntryAsync, CreateOrUpdateEntryByPathAsync, UpdateEntryAsync and UpdateEntryByPathAsync changed to request a signed URL if an upload is needed based on IsUpToDate.
  • Changed: SetDefaultEnvironmentIfNotExists changed to use ListEnvironmentsByProjectAsync.
  • Changed: Added new TryCatchRequest to allow skipping SetDefaultEnvironmentIfNotExists for routes without an Environment.
  • Changed: Moved updates of accessToken and projectId from CcdManagement.Instance to an Action that can be removed for testing.
  • Fixed: Fix issue with GetReleaseDiff and GetReleaseDiffEntries sending empty release num query params.
  • Fixed: Fix issue with GetOrgAsync and GetOrgUsageAsync sending badly formatted body in request.

Core SDK 1.7.1

  • Fixed: ActionScheduler doesn't generate GC allocation (used to be 40 bytes) each frame anymore.
  • Fixed: Added a link.xml generator to make sure all required service assemblies are properly preserved in build with code stripping enabled. Only services providing a IServiceComponent are listed in this link file.
  • Fixed: Failed telemetry request no longer log errors when they fail, unless ENABLE_UNITY_SERVICES_CORE_TELEMETRY_LOGGING is enabled as scripting define.
  • Fixed: All ActionScheduler registered during play mode are now properly unregistered when exiting playmode.

In-App Purchasing 4.6.0

  • Added: Added a new restore transaction callback RestoreTransactions(Action<bool, string> callback) to obtain the error string when RestoreTransactions is not successful (IAppleExtensions and IGooglePlayStoreExtensions).
  • Added: Added a new initialize failed callback IStoreListener.OnInitializeFailed(InitializationFailureReason, string) to obtain the error string when OnInitializeFailed is invoked.
  • Added: Added a new setup failed callback IStoreCallback.OnSetupFailed(InitializationFailureReason, string) to obtain the error string when OnSetupFailed is invoked.
  • Added: Added a new FetchAdditionalProducts. The failCallback contains an error string. IStoreController.FetchAdditionalProducts(HashSet<ProductDefinition>, Action, Action<InitializationFailureReason, string>).
  • Added: Apple - Product.appleOriginalTransactionId : Returns the original transaction ID. This field is only available when the purchase was made in the active session.
  • Added: Apple - Product.appleProductIsRestored : Indicates whether the product has been restored.
  • Added: GooglePlay - IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetFetchPurchasesExcludeDeferred(bool exclude) has been added to revert to the previous behaviour. This is not recommended and should only be used if Deferred purchases are handled in your IStoreListener.ProcessPurchase.
  • Added: GooglePlay - IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.GetPurchaseState(Product product) has been added to obtain the GooglePurchaseState of a product.
  • Added: GooglePlay - Added missing values to GoogleBillingResponseCode in order to output it in PurchaseFailureDescription's message when available.
  • Added: Codeless - Added to the IAP Button the option to add a script for the On Transactions Restored: void OnTransactionsRestored(bool success, string? error).
  • Changed: The old OnInitializeFailed OnInitializeFailed(InitializationFailureReason error) was marked Obsolete.
  • Changed: The old OnSetupFailed OnSetupFailed(InitializationFailureReason reason) was marked Obsolete.
  • Changed: The old FetchAdditionalProducts FetchAdditionalProducts(HashSet<ProductDefinition> additionalProducts, Action successCallback, Action<InitializationFailureReason> failCallback) was marked Obsolete.
  • Changed: The old restore transaction callback RestoreTransactions(Action<bool> callback) was marked Obsolete (IAppleExtensions and IGooglePlayStoreExtensions).
  • Changed: Apple - Transactions received from Apple that are invalid (where the product is not entitled) no longer output the Finishing transaction log. This only affects transactions that never reached the ProcessPurchase.
  • Changed: GooglePlay - The enum GooglePurchaseState now recognizes 4 as Deferred.
  • Fixed: Analytics - A ServicesInitializationException introduced in Analytics 4.3.0 is now handled properly.
  • Fixed: Analytics - Fixed an issue where transactions events were invalidated when there was no localization data for a product.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed a NullReferenceException when querying sku details while the BillingClient is not ready.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed Application Not Responding (ANR) when foregrounding the application while disconnected from the Google Play Store.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Limited the occurence of PurchasingUnavailable errors when retrieving products while in a disconnected state to once per connection.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Deferred purchases are, by default, no longer sent to IStoreListener.ProcessPurchase when fetching purchases. This avoids the possibility of granting products that were not paid for. These purchases are only processed when they become Purchased. This can be reverted with IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetFetchPurchasesExcludeDeferred(bool exclude) to not exclude them, but Deferred purchases must be handled in IStoreListener.ProcessPurchase.

Remote Config

  • Changed: Upgraded backend infrastructure to improve connectivity globally. Remote Config is now serving traffic from North America, Europe and Asia.

Lobby 1.1.0-pre.3

  • Added: LobbyEvents now provides a Version for comparison.
  • Added: CreateOrJoinLobby function to allow for a single call to create or join.
  • Added: PlayerProfile field to Player class.
  • Added: LobbyEvents functionality introduced to provide live change updates for lobbies.
  • Fixed: Removed guards that were preventing Lobby Events APIs from being exposed completely.

January 2023

Authentication 2.4.0

  • Added: Apple Game Center Support:
    • SignInWithAppleGameCenterAsync, LinkWithAppleGameCenterAsync, UnlinkAppleGameCenterAsync
    • Apple Game Center Authentication API Support
  • Added: Player Account Deletion API.

Cloud Code 2.2.1

  • Fixed: Duplicate file in the deployment window now appear as a warning instead of an error.
  • Fixed: Rate limiting triggered in some cases.

Remote Config 3.3.1

  • Added: Updated deployment API implementation for Config As Code.
  • Fixed: An issue where deployment failures did not include the message detail.

DeploymentBETA 1.0.0-pre.7

  • Added: New UI addition for the deployment window: Enhanced status observability.
  • Added: New UI addition for the deployment window: Asset selection with checkboxes.
  • Fixed: Deployment Status being saved across Editor sessions.
  • Fixed: Issue with rate-limiting on deployments.

In-App Purchasing 4.5.2

  • Fixed: Removed unused exception variable causing a compiler warning CS0168.
  • Fixed: Telemetry - Calls to telemetry reporting were occasionally tripping a NullReferenceException, IndexOutOfRangeException or KeyNotFoundException, for some users. These exceptions are now caught safely and logged. These failures are also mitigated by moving all Telemetry calls to the main thread. Issue noticed in IAP 4.4.1, but may be older.
  • Fixed: Apple - Optimized memory usage when processing transactions to prevent out of memory crash when processing transactions on launch.
  • Fixed: Batch Mode - Calls to UnityPurchasingEditor.TargetAndroidStore to select UDP now successfully check UDP package installation and log an error instead of throwing a blocking popup when executed as part of a Batch Mode command.
  • Fixed: Analytics - Removed escape characters for receipt JSON which was causing parsing issues in the backend.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed a bug causing a crash when retrying to finish a transaction while disconnected.

Cloud Save

  • Changed: Removed 16KB slot size limit, users now have 5MB to work with in total across all slots.
  • Changed: Increased maximum slot count from 200 to 2000.

Push NotificationsBETA 3.0.0-pre.1

  • Added: Product dashboard link is now present in the package settings panel.
  • Changed: Renamed package settings (Android) so that they match Firebase setting names.
  • Changed: Removed some classes from the public API that weren't meant to be used directly.
  • Changed: Removed deprecated PushNotifications class and obsolete PushNotificationSettings properties.
  • Fixed: notificationOpened events are now also sent when launching a fully closed app from a notification.
  • Released into Open Beta.


  • Added: Support for legacy analytics custom events in UGS Analytics to avoid the need to make changes to game code.

Game Server Hosting (Multiplay)

  • Fixed: Fixed a bug when subscribing to server events that caused a race condition where events could be missed.

December 2022

Relay 1.0.5

  • Added: Using this version of Relay with UTP 2.0.0-pre.3 and NGO 1.2.0 enables using Relay on webGL.
  • Added: Update SimpleRelay sample.
  • Changed: Replaced InteractiveRelayUtp sample with SimpleRelayUtp.
  • Changed: Update QoS dependency to 1.1.0.
  • Changed: Update UTP dependency to 1.3.0.

Core SDK 1.7.0

  • Changed: Editor AccessTokens now caches the Gateway JWT per session and refreshes it as needed. It can now be used directly without needing to cache the results.
  • Fixed: Improved thread safety for scheduler component. IActionScheduler is now safely callable from any thread.
  • Fixed: Improved thread safety for telemetry components. IMetrics and IDisagnostics are now safely callable from any thread.


  • Fixed: Fixed an issue with the Android VivoxNative.aar library causing it to have issues when trying to resolve internal dependencies.

November 2022

Authentication 2.3.1

  • Added: Meta Quest (Oculus) Support:
    • SignInWithOculusAsync, LinkWithOculusAsync, UnlinkOculusAsync
    • Meta Quest Authentication API Support
  • Added: GetGooglePlayGamesId() to PlayerInfo.

Cloud Code 2.1.1

  • Added: Integration with the Deployment package for config-as-code which allows to edit and configure CloudCode scripts directly from the Editor.
  • Fixed: Void type now allowed as return type for CloudCode scripts.
  • Fixed: Removed requirement for function arguments when calling an endpoint. Now, it's possible to provide either null or omit them.

Core SDK 1.6.0

  • Added: UnityServices.ExternalUserId which can be used to pass a user identifier from a third party provider to Unity Gaming Services.
  • Added: All IInitializablePackage initialization time is now measured by Services Core.
  • Changed: CoreRegistryInitializer now throws a ServicesInitializationException instead of an explicit NullReferenceException when the dependency tree is null.
  • Changed: ActionScheduler updated to be thread safe.
  • Changed: Services configuration file isn't temporarily added to the StreamingAssets folder during builds on Unity 2021.3 and up.
  • Changed: Services initialization without a linked project ID now fail (throw UnityProjectNotLinkedException).
  • Fixed: Persisting telemetry no longer logs errors, unless ENABLE_UNITY_SERVICES_CORE_TELEMETRY_LOGGING is enabled as scripting define. Diagnostics are sent when persisting telemetry produces an error.
  • Fixed: Core no longer fails initialization when it fails to find a stripped service package.
  • Fixed: Services Core failing to find all IInitializablePackage if an unity package implements it multiple times.
  • Fixed: A case where null configuration values were causing serialization issues.
  • Fixed: Issue with stripping when authentication APIs are not used.

Deployment 1.0.0-pre.4

  • Added: Deployment Window now allows management of deployments for Cloud Code and Remote-Config.
  • Added: First pre-release version of the package.

Economy 3.0.0

  • Added: CustomDataDeserializable has been added to configuration items and is of type IDeserializable.
  • Added: Missing XmlDoc to public interfaces: IEconomyConfigurationApiClient, IEconomyPlayerBalancesApiClient, IEconomyPlayerInventoryApiClient and IEconomyPurchasesApiClientApi.
  • Removed: remote-config-runtime dependency.

Remote Config 3.2.2

  • Added: Implemented file-based-authoring for RC Editor.
  • Added: Added documentation for caching mechanism.
  • Added: Released versioning, it is now possible to view and restore older versions of a games’ configuration through the dashboard as well as the admin API.

In-App Purchasing 4.5.1

  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed deferred purchases being processed when the app is foregrounded. Issue introduced in Unity IAP 4.5.0.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed a NullReferenceException in DequeueQueryProducts happening when launching the app. Issue introduced in Unity IAP 4.2.0.
  • Fixed: Analytics - Fixed a NullReferenceException when reporting failed transactions of purchase unavailable products. Issue introduced in Unity IAP 4.2.0.
  • Fixed: Analytics - Legacy Analytics no longer reports events in custom UGS environments, which would cause misreported live sales figures. Issue introduced in Unity IAP 4.2.0.


  • Fixed: In-Package sample was breaking on WebGL builds due to using Task.Delay, this has been changed with a Coroutine implementation on polling.
  • Added: MatchmakingResults model has new property ‘PoolId’.

October 2022

Authentication 2.2.0

  • Added: Bring Your Own Identity v1 - OpenID Connect Support:
    • SignInWithOpenIdConnectAsync, LinkWithOpenIdConnectAsync, UnlinkOpenIdConnectAsync
    • OpenID Connect Authentication API Support
  • Added: WebGL Support.

Core SDK 1.4.3

  • Fixed: Added diagnostic message length limit and telemetry count limit, so telemetry payload isn't rejected by telemetry service.

In-App Purchasing 4.5.0

  • Added: Apple - Add support for Family Sharing.
    • API IAppleConfiguration.SetEntitlementsRevokedListener(Action<List<Product>> called when entitlement to a products are revoked. The Action is called with the list of revoked products. See documentation "Store Guides" > "iOS & Mac App Stores" for a sample usage.
    • API - Product metadata is now available in AppleProductMetadata from ProductMetadata.GetAppleProductMetadata() via IStoreController.products.
    • API AppleProductMetadata.isFamilyShareable indicated if the product is family shareable.
    • Apple App Store - 11 Family Sharing sample that showcases how to use Unity IAP to manage family shared purchases.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Processing out-of-app purchases such as Promo codes no longer requires the app to be restarted. The purchase is processed the next time the app is foregrounded. Technical limitation: In the case of promo codes, if the app is opened while the code is redeemed, you might receive an additional call to IStoreListener.OnPurchaseFailed with PurchaseFailureReason.Unknown. This can be safely ignored.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed a NullReferenceException that would rarely occur when retrieving products due to a concurrency issue introduced in Unity IAP 4.2.0.

September 2022

Analytics 4.2.0

  • Added: SessionID property that returns the GUID value currently being used to populate the sessionID parameter of all events.
  • Changed: Reduced frequency of gameRunning event to reduce excess traffic (this doesn't affect the quality of your data).
  • Fixed: SDK initialisation failing silently on WebGL due to problem with privacy consent flow.
  • Fixed: SDK event batching for upload failing silently on WebGL.

In-App Purchasing 4.4.1

  • Added: GooglePlay - Google Play Billing Library version 4.0.0.
    • The Multi-quantity feature is not yet supported by the IAP package and will come in a future update. Do not enable Multi-quantity in the Google Play Console.
    • Add support for the IMMEDIATE_AND_CHARGE_FULL_PRICE proration mode. Use GooglePlayProrationMode.ImmediateAndChargeFullPrice for easy access.
    • The "skuDetails" in the receipt json is now an array of the old structure, not just one object. It only has one element in most cases, so if this is being parsed in your app, treat it like an array and get the first element by default.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fixed NullReferenceException and ArgumentException that would rarely occur due to a concurrency issue introduced in Unity IAP 4.2.0.
  • Fixed: Amazon - Set android:export to true to support Android API level 31+.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Fix IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetDeferredPurchaseListener and IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetDeferredProrationUpgradeDowngradeSubscriptionListener callbacks sometimes not being called from the main thread.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - When configuring IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetQueryProductDetailsFailedListener(Action<int> retryCount), the action is invoked with retryCount starting at 1 instead of 0.
  • Fixed: GooglePlay - Added a validation when upgrading/downgrading a subscription that calls IStoreListener.OnPurchaseFailed with PurchaseFailureReason.ProductUnavailable when the old transaction ID is empty or null. This can occur when attempting to upgrade/downgrade a subscription that the user doesn't own.


  • Fixed: Fixed an issue with audio buffer-related generated APIs causing the Unity editor to crash.
  • Added: Added a number of generated APIs back to the SDK which were previously being omitted.
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue with Build Configuration values being stored as nulls instead of empty strings which caused an exception in the editor if a project was not linked in the Project Settings.

August 2022

Analytics 4.1.0

  • Added: Added a method to access the user ID used by Analytics at runtime.
  • Fixed: Events are now recorded with timestamps including milliseconds.
  • Fixed: XML documentation is available for more model objects.
  • Fixed: A better error message is displayed when the project ID is missing.

Lobby 1.0.3

  • Fixed: A bug where ArgumentNullException would throw on LobbyConflict (HTTP 409) resolution.
  • Fixed: An issue where a CommonErrorCode was being reported instead of a LobbyExceptionReason, invalidating some switch cases.

In-App Purchasing 4.3.0

  • Added: GooglePlay - API IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetQueryProductDetailsFailedListener(Action<int>) called when Unity IAP fails to query product details. The Action is called on each query product details failure with the retry count. See documentation Store Guides > Google Play for a sample usage.


  • Fixed: Serialization for the Multiplay token class would be stripped on some IL2CPP platforms compilation.


  • Changed: Adjusted the Windows and Mac VivoxNative library .meta files to enable Load on Startup so they get loaded in regardless of the build target of the editor. Notably, this caused compiler errors when entering Play Mode if the editor build target was iOS since our Mac library, which gets used for the editor alongside the Windows library, wasn’t loaded yet.
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue with various plugin .meta files not targeting their specific platform resulting in editor crashes when entering Play Mode if additional Vivox platform packages got installed.
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue that would cause a compiler error if the Authentication package wasn’t available to the ChatChannelSample. The Authentication package should get automatically pulled in when the ChatChannelSample is installed, but if it hadn’t been, a compiler error would appear.

July 2022

Authentication 2.1.1

  • Added: Google Play Games Support:
    • SignInWithGooglePlayGames, LinkWithGooglePlayGames, UnlinkGooglePlayGames
    • Google Player Games Authentication API Support

Cloud Code 2.0.1

  • Fixed: Missing XmlDoc on public ICloudCodeService interface.

Cloud Save 2.0.1

  • Added: Missing XmlDoc to public ICloudSaveDataClient interface and CloudSaveService static class.

Core SDK 1.4.2

  • Added: Log a JSON containing the common configuration shared among all services for debugging purposes when using ENABLE_UNITY_SERVICES_CORE_VERBOSE_LOGGING as a scripting define.
  • Added: Log warning when building a project with core package included and without linking the project in project settings.
  • Changed: Log error instead of warning when core initialize with no cloud project ID.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException while telemetry was provided an empty file, fixed by introducing a null check.
  • Fixed: DirectoryNotFoundException happened inconsistently on Switch, fixed by resolving racing condition issue.

Remote Config 3.1.3

  • Added: Using ENABLE_CLOUD_SERVICES_ANALYTICS flag for platforms using Analytics within 2.x namespace.
  • Added: Whitelisting platforms for getting userId from Analytics package within 2.x namespace.
  • Added: Allowing projectId and userId params to be in the payload for consoles.

In-App Purchasing 4.2.1

  • Added: Feature to automatically initialize Unity Gaming Services through the catalog UI. Please see the documentation for more details.
  • Changed: The In-App Purchasing package now requires Unity Gaming Services to have been initialized before it can be used. For the time being IAP will continue working as usual, but will log a warning if Unity Gaming Services has not been initialized. In future releases of this package, initializing Unity Gaming Services will be mandatory. Please see the documentation for more details.
  • Fixed: Downgrade from 1.4.1 to 1.3.1 due to a new bug found in 1.4.1.


  • Fixed: Bugfix: Serialization for the Multiplay token class would be stripped on some Linux platforms compilation.
  • Added: Added PoolId and MatchId to CreateBackfillTicketOptions for Photon integration.


  • Added: Added VivoxConfig as a parameter to the VivoxService.Instance.Initialize(...) method so developers can configure the Vivox Client’s settings on startup.
  • Changed: Stopped removing minus (‘-’) characters from the Environment ID when appending it to the AccountId and ChannelId URIs. The Environment ID will now be appended verbatim.
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue causing generated files from the Android platform to make it into the package resulting in methods that could not be resolved due to the APIs not existing in any other library.