Unity Gaming Services is an end-to-end platform that is designed to help you build, engage, and grow your game.

Take your game to the next level without having to worry about maintaining or scaling your back-end infrastructure. UGS simplifies many game development tasks and challenges. Examples include:

  • Add multiplayer and social features to your game.
  • Use server-side game logic to ensure a level playing field.
  • Enable your players to access their game data across various gaming platforms.
  • Run A/B tests and measure gameplay data from various services to inform design decisions.
  • Deliver fresh content without updating your app.
  • Run scheduled events and provide varied content to your game during those events.
  • Engage players with fun, progressive reward and loyalty systems.

Overview of services

Unity Gaming Services supports your entire development lifecycle. Use them to build your foundation, engage your players, and grow your game.

Build your foundation


AuthenticationApps typically need to know the identity of a user to provide a variety of features and services to both game developers and players to ensure security, consistency, and safety with every interaction. Unity Authentication provides anonymous and platform-specific authentication solutions for supported platforms, including mobile and Windows.

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Content management

Cloud CodeA modern game requires a lot of components in order to be successful, for example an in-game economy, storage for player data and dynamic settings configuration. Using Unity's Cloud Code to write stateless server-side code on a fully managed infrastructure, you can primarily focus on developing your game logic. Because your code runs in a secure sandbox, you can protect your game logic from reverse engineering. You can instantly deploy code to live games without rolling out a client update that would require users to update their installs.

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Cloud Content Delivery (CCD)Cloud Content Delivery (CCD) is a managed cloud service that hosts and delivers content to your application’s users worldwide without having to reinstall a new version of the application. The service is fully integrated into the Unity development platform, saving you months of building and maintaining your own similar service. CCD is most valuable for content-rich, live games or applications that require content updates on a regular basis.

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Cloud SaveYou can use Unity's Cloud Save service to save persistent player data (such as game progress) from a game into the cloud, making it independent of device. Since it's cloud-based, the player data is accessible anywhere and across devices, mitigating data loss when a player changes devices or re-installs a game.

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Remote ConfigRemote Config is a cloud service that you can use to tune your game design without deploying new versions of your application. It consists of a set of namespaced Key-Value parameters, and you can optionally define a set of values that override or add to these parameters.

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User Generated ContentUser Generated Content provides an end-to-end solution for creating and managing content, including publishing, storing, curating, moderating, and distributing.

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Build AutomationUnity Build Automation is a continuous integration solution that automatically creates multi-platform builds in the Cloud in minutes. You can point Build Automation toward your version control system to automate new builds, catch problems earlier, and iterate on your builds more efficiently. Build Automation supports most popular version control systems and can build for multiple platforms simultaneously, including iOS.

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Unity VCSUnity VCS is a version control to help teams focus on delivering work, one task at a time. Collaborate more efficiently with a performant, easy-to-use version control system (VCS) made for programmers, artists, and designers.

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Game Server Hosting (Multiplay)Game Server Hosting is a dedicated hosting service that removes the complexity of running and operating multiplayer infrastructure at scale, so your development team can focus on creating engaging player experiences.

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LobbyLobby provides two main flows using public lobbies and private matches for players to create and find game sessions.

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MatchmakerMatchmaker is part of Unity's growing suite of multiplayer services that are designed to help you create and operate multiplayer games no matter what engine you're using.

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RelayRelay is a peer-to-peer networking solution that makes it easy to establish connections between players while maintaining their privacy.

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Engage your players

Analytics and player engagement

AnalyticsUnity Analytics provides an end-to-end data and analysis solution designed to support your entire studio. Analytics lets studios easily understand game performance and player behaviors.

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Game OverridesSet up Game Overrides using Analytics data so other Unity services can target an Audience with personalized in-game behavior. The Audience feature compares a player’s profile against set criteria to see if they fit into the defined Audience.

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Push NotificationsPush Notifications is a feature you can use to schedule rich push messages to a selection of chosen players. Use Push Notifications to tell players about things that are happening in their game from outside the game. You can measure how many players have opened them and then started your game as a result.

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FriendsThe Friends service allows you to boost player engagement by providing players with a social system that works well with other Unity services.

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LeaderboardsLeaderboards is a feature of Unity Gaming Services that supports the storage, sorting and ranking of player scores.

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ModerationUnity Moderation makes toxicity management accessible, impactful, and insightful by providing you with the tools you need to grow and maintain healthy communities within your games.

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Safe VoiceSafe Voice is a machine learning based voice analytics service that records player voice communications and provides users with an analysis of the recording and the recording itself to support customer moderation.

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Voice and Text Chat (Vivox)Voice and Text Chat provides voice and text chat communications technology that you can integrate and scale into games of all sizes. Voice and Text Chat is engine-agnostic and works with all major platforms, including Xbox®, PlayStation®, Windows, Nintendo Switch™, Android, and iOS. Additional features, such as text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and server-side recording, can help to combat player toxicity and make gaming accessible to everyone.

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Crash reporting

Cloud DiagnosticsCloud Diagnostics is a suite of cloud-enabled tools that help collect and identify possible issues in your Unity-built game. Collect crash and exception reports as well as user feedback so you can better diagnose issues and ensure a smooth gameplay experience.

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Grow your game

Game economy

EconomyUnity’s Economy service provides you with an easy way to create, manage and publish an economy system to be used in your game. Manage your game economy from a centralized dashboard that governs the management and publication of your game’s resources, and also allows you to add custom data.

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In-App PurchasingUnity IAP makes it easy to implement in-app purchases in your application across the most popular app stores.

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