Configure server density

The number of servers that can run per machine is called the server density, set at the fleet level. This server density helps match the number of available game servers to the target buffer. There are separate workflows for configuring cloud and bare metal server density.

Configuring cloud server density

To configure server density on a cloud machine:

  1. In the Unity Cloud Dashboard, open Multiplay Hosting.
  2. Select Fleets.
  3. Select the fleet you want to configure.
  4. Select the Cloud server density tab.
  5. Select the machine specification for which you want to configure server density.
  6. Set Servers per machine to the amount of servers that you want to run for each cloud machine of the currently-selected specification. The other fields update to display how much of the machine’s CPU and RAM each server has access to given your specified value.
  7. Select Save.

Configuring bare metal server density

To configure server density on a bare metal machine:

  1. In the Unity Cloud Dashboard, open Multiplay Hosting.
  2. Select Fleets.
  3. Select the fleet you want to configure.
  4. Select the Bare Metal Server Density tab.

Note: Configuring density for bare metal machines is a little different than for cloud, as bare metal density settings apply to all bare metal machines in a fleet. This means that you can’t input a value for Servers per machine for bare metal server density as you can for cloud, as the amount of servers on a machine differs depending on the hardware specification of that machine.

The Bare Metal Server Density tab shows the current server density configuration, as well as an inventory table displaying each bare metal machine specification within the selected fleet. The inventory table shows for each specification the following information:

  • The hardware information for each machine specification.
  • The amount of servers to run on that machine specification, determined by the above server density configuration.
  • Which setting within the server density configuration is the limiting factor for determining the amount of servers per machine, on that specification.
  • How many machines of that specification are currently in the selected fleet.

To edit the current server density configuration:

  1. Select Edit. Bare metal server density settings
  2. Enter the MHz allowance per server and RAM allowance per server to configure how much maximum RAM and CPU each server is allowed to use. The Machine inventory table updates in real time based on these values.
  3. Optionally, enable Set max servers per machine and Set max servers per core settings to add further limiting factors for the amount of servers that can be added to a machine.
  4. Select Save.