Create a build configuration

Note: The content on this page pertains to Multiplay Hosting, available on the Unity Cloud Dashboard. If you’re using Clanforge, refer to Clanforge documentation.

The embedded Multiplay Hosting setup guide walks you through creating your first build configuration. However, you can always add more build configurations by following these instructions.

  1. In the Unity Cloud Dashboard, open Multiplay Hosting.
  2. Select Build Configurations > Create build configuration.
  3. Set the build configuration details.
  4. Define any configuration variables.

Note: You can create up to 200 build configurations.

Set the build configuration details

The first step is to name the build configuration, link it to a specific build, and define any additional details about the build configuration.

  1. Give the new build configuration a name.
  2. Select the Build you want to link to this build configuration.
  3. Select the Game server executable location within the selected build.
  4. Select the Query type the build supports. Refer to server query protocols to learn more.
  5. You can also change the default launch parameters or add custom launch parameters.
  6. After you’ve filled out all the fields, select Next.

Define any configuration variables

The next step is to add configuration variables. Add each configuration variable you want to track in this build configuration, then select Next.

If you’re unsure or don’t want to track any additional parameters here, you can continue to the next step without making any changes.