Build configurations

Note: The content on this page pertains to Multiplay Hosting, available on the Unity Cloud Dashboard. If you’re using Clanforge, refer to Clanforge documentation.

Multiplay Hosting uses build configurations to manage how servers run builds by specifying the query protocol, the application executable path, the server density, the configuration variables, and the launch parameters.

Each build configuration has the following associated information:

  • Build configuration name: The name of the build configuration.
  • Build configuration ID: The unique identifier of the build configuration.
  • Assigned build: The build assigned to the build configuration.
  • Fleet: The fleet the build configuration is linked to.
  • Query types: The query protocol the build supports.
  • Readiness: The readiness The game server readiness status.
  • Application executable path: The relative path to the executable within the linked build.
  • Launch parameters: The start-up parameters Multiplay Hosting sends to the build executable when it's started.
  • Configuration variables: A set of built-in and custom variables Multiplay Hosting uses to generate each server’s server.json file.
  • Server density: The settings you adjust to best match the number of available game servers to the target buffer.
  • Last updated: The date and time the build was last updated.

Build configuration variables

Build configurations enable your game server to accept variables as launch parameters or as configuration variables injected into the server.json file. These two methods are entirely separate, and neither takes priority over the other. The best method for your situation depends on the implementation of your game server. There are some cases in which launch parameters make more sense than configuration variables and vice versa. Refer to the following topics to learn more:

Build configurations and servers

Build configurations tell the servers using them with information about how to run. A server’s active build configuration tells the server:

Note: Removing a build configuration from a fleet doesn't affect the servers using the build configuration. The servers continue to use the build configuration until you (or your matchmaker) allocate them with a different build configuration.

Build configurations and fleets

The relationship between fleets and build configurations is one-to-many (one fleet to many build configurations).

There is no direct link between a build and a fleet, but when you link a build configuration to a fleet, it implicitly ties the build to the fleet. The relationship between builds and configurations is one-to-one.

When you remove a build configuration from a fleet, the fleet no longer has access to the builds assigned to that build configuration.