
Creates, edits, or deletes code reviews.


cm codereview <spec> <title> [--status=<status_name>] [--assignee=<user_name>] [--format=<str_format>] [--repository=<rep_spec>]

(Creates a code review.)

cm codereview -e <id> [--status=<status_name>] [--assignee=<user_name>] [--repository=<rep_spec>]

(Edits a code review.)

cm codereview -d <id> [ ...] [--repository=<rep_spec>]

(Deletes one or more code reviews.)


Option / ArgumentDescription
-eEdits the parameters of an existing code review.
-dDeletes one or more existing code reviews. Use a whitespace to separate the code reviews IDs.
--statusSets the new status of a code review. See Remarks for additional information.
--assigneeSets the new assignee of a code review.
--formatRetrieves the output message in a specific format. See Remarks for additional information.
--repositorySets the repository to be used as default. (Use 'cm help objectspec' to learn more about repository specs.)
specIt can be either a changeset spec, a shelve spec or a branch spec. It will be the target of the new code review. (Use 'cm help objectspec' to learn more about changeset or branch specs.)
titleA text string to be used as title of the new code review.
idThe code review identification number. A GUID can be used as well.



This command allows users to manage code reviews: create, edit, and delete code reviews for changesets or branches.

To create a new code review, a changeset/branch spec and a title are required. The initial status and assignee can be set, too. An ID (or GUID if requested) will be returned as a result.

To edit or delete an existing code review, the target code review ID (or GUID) is required. No messages are displayed if there are no errors.

The 'status parameter' must only be one of the following: "Under review" (default), "Reviewed", or "Rework required".

The 'repository' parameter is available to set the default working repository. This is useful when the user wants to manage reviews on a server different than the one associated to the current workspace, or when there is no current workspace at all.

Output format parameters (--format option)

This command accepts a format string to show the output.

The output parameters of this command are the following

Option / ArgumentDescription

Please note that the '--format' parameter only takes effect when creating a new code review.


cm codereview cs:1856@myrepo@myserver:8084 "My code review" --assignee=dummy

cm codereview br:/main/task001@myrepo@myserver:8084 "My code review" --status="Rework required" --assignee=newbie --format="{id} -> {guid}"

cm codereview 1367 -e --assignee=new_assignee

cm codereview -e 27658884-5dcc-49b7-b0ef-a5760ae740a3 --status=Reviewed

cm codereview -d 1367 --repository=myremoterepo@myremoteserver:18084

cm codereview 27658884-5dcc-49b7-b0ef-a5760ae740a3 -d