
Displays the history of a file or directory.


cm history | hist <item_path>[ ...] [--long | --format=<str_format>] [--symlink] [--xml[=<output_file>]] [--encoding=<name>] [--moveddeleted]


Option / ArgumentDescription
--longShows additional information.
--formatRetrieves the output message in a specific format. See Remarks for more info. This option cannnot be combined with '--xml'.
--symlinkApplies the history operation to the symlink and not to the target.
--xmlPrints the output in XML format to the standard output. It is possible to specify an output file. This option cannot be combined with '--format'.
--encodingUsed with the '--xml' option, specifies the encoding to use in the XML output, i.e.: utf-8. See the MSDN documentation at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.encoding.aspx to get the table of supported encodings and its format, (at the end of the page, in the "Name" column).
--moveddeletedInclude move and remove operations in the history.
--limitDisplays the N most recent revisions for the specified items, sorted by date and changeset id. If a negative number is supplied, it will return an empty list. If a number higher than the number of revisions is supplied, it will return all the available revisions regarding that item.
item_pathItem's path. Use a whitespace to separate paths. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. Paths can be server path revisions too. (Use 'cm help objectspec' to learn more about specs.)



This command shows a list of revisions for a given item, and label, branch, and comment info for each revision.

Output format parameters (--format option)

This command accepts a format string to show the output. The output parameters of this command are the following:

Option / ArgumentDescription
{0} | {date}Date.
{1} | {changesetid}Changeset number.
{2} | {branch}Branch.
{4} | {comment}Comment.
{5} | {owner}Owner.
{6} | {id}Revision id.
{7} | {repository}Repository.
{8} | {server}Server.
{9} | {repspec}Repository spec.
{10} | {datastatus}Availability of the revision data.
{11} | {path}Path or spec passed as <item_path>.
{12} | {itemid}Item Id.
{13} | {size}Size.
{14} | {hash}Hash code.
{tab}Inserts a tab space.
{newline}Inserts a new line.


cm history file1.txt "file 2.txt"

cm hist c:\workspace --long

(Displays all information.)

cm history link --symlink

(Applies the history operation to the symlink file and not to the target.)

cm history serverpath:/src/foo/bar.c#br:/main/task001@myserver

(Retrieves the revision history from a server path in a given branch.)

cm history bar.c, foo.c --long --limit=2

(Retrieves the 2 last revisions for the bar.c and foo.c items.)