
Gets the status of an item.


cm getstatus | gs <item_path>[ ...] [--format=<str_format>] [--stats] [-R | -r | --recursive]


Option / ArgumentDescription
--formatRetrieves the output message in a specific format. See Remarks for more info.
--statsPrints some statistics about the get status process.
-R | -r | --recursiveShows recursively the status in directories.
item_pathItem or items to get status from. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. Use a whitespace to separate paths.



Output format parameters (--format option): This command accepts a format string to show the output.

The output parameters of this command are the following

Option / ArgumentDescription
{0}Item path.
{1}Item status:

Where status can take values among the following

Option / ArgumentDescription
1checked in
2checked out

Reading input from stdin

The 'getstatus' command can read paths from stdin. To do this, pass a single dash "-". Example:

cm getstatus -

Paths will be read until an empty line is entered. This allows you to use pipe to specify which paths to get the status for. Example:

dir /S /B *.c | cm getstatus --format="Path {0} Status {1}" -

(In Windows, gets the status of all .c files in the workspace.)


cm getstatus file1.txt file2.txt

(Gets the status of the files.)

cm gs info\ -R --format="The item {0} has the status {1}"

(Gets the status of the directory and all of its items and shows a formatted output.)