
Shows statistics about the hardware.


cm iostats [<repserverspec>] [<list_of_tests>[ ...]] [--nettotalmb=<value_mb>] [--networkiterations=<value_iter>] [--diskdatasize=<value_size>] [--disktestpath=<value_path>] [--systemdisplaytime=<value_time>] [--systemdisplaytimeinterval=<value_interval>]


Option / ArgumentDescription
--nettotalmbIndicates the amount of user data (in MegaBytes) transmitted on a network test, such as "serverDownloadTest" or "serverUploadTest". It must be a value between "4" and "512". (Default: 16)
--networkiterationsIndicates the number of iterations of "serverDownloadTest" and/or "serverUploadTest" that will be run. It must be a value between "1" and "100". (Default: 1)
--diskdatasizeIndicates the amount of data (in MegaBytes) that will be written and then read on the "diskTest". It must be a value between "100" and "4096". (Default: 512)
--disktestpathPath where the "diskTest" writes the test files. If this parameter is not provided, the command will try to use the system temp path.
--systemdisplaytimeTime interval (in seconds) showing the usage of system resources. This option is available for the following tests: "systemNetworkUsage" and "systemDiskUsage". It must be a value between "1" and "3600". (Default: 5 seconds).
--systemdisplaytimeintervalTime interval (in seconds) between the system performance samples. This option is available for the following tests: "systemNetworkUsage" and "systemDiskUsage". It must be a value between "1" and "60". (Default: 1 second).
repserverspecAn available Unity VCS server to perform the network tests, such as "serverUploadTest" and/ or "serverDownloadTest". If no server is provided, the command tries to communicate with the server configured by default. (Use 'cm help objectspec' to learn more about server specs.)
list_of_testsAvailable tests. Use a whitespace to separate test fields. See Remarks for more info.



This command requires an available server be used during the network speed tests ("serverUploadTest" and/or "serverDownloadTest").

The '--diskTestPath' must point to a path that belongs to the physical disk drive about to be tested. If no path is specified, the command tries to use the system default temp path. The disk drive of the specified path must have enough free space to execute the test.

During the command execution, the system can experience a degraded performance caused by the tests performed.

Available tests

Option / ArgumentDescription
--serveruploadtest(Default) Measures the data upload speed from Unity VCS client to the server.
--serverdownloadtest(Default) Measures the data download speed from Unity VCS server to the client.
--disktest(Default) Measures the disk read speed and disk write speed.
--systemnetworkusageShows the current usage of system network resources. (It shows Network Interface performance counters provided by Microsoft Windows). Available in Microsoft Windows only.
--systemdiskusageShows the current usage of system physical disks. (It shows Network Interface performance counters provided by Microsoft Windows). Available in Microsoft Windows only.


cm iostats MYSERVER:8087 --serveruploadtest --serverdownloadtest --nettotalmb=32