
Synchronize with Git.


cm synchronize | sync <repspec> git [<url> [--user=<usr_name> --pwd=<pwd>]] [(--txtsimilaritypercent | --binsimilaritypercent | --dirsimilaritypercent)=<value>] [--author] [--skipgitlfs] [--gitpushchunk=<value>]


Option / ArgumentDescription
--userUser name for the specified URL.
--pwdPassword for the specified URL.
--txtsimilaritypercentSimilarity percentage to consider two text files are the same (moved item)
--binsimilaritypercentSimilarity percentage to consider two binary files are the same (moved item)
--dirsimilaritypercentSimilarity percentage to consider two directories are the same (moved item)
--authorUses name and timestamp values from the git author. (git committer by default)
--skipgitlfsIgnores the Git LFS configuration in the .gitattributes file. It acts like without Git LFS support.
--gitpushchunkProcess the push operation (exporting changes from Unity VCS to Git) in chunks of a certain number of changesets. This is only useful for huge repos to avoid network or package size related issues or just for debugging purposes. It uses chunks of 1000 changesets if no value is specified.
urlRemote repository URL (http(s):// or git:// or a SSH URL).
repspecRepository specification. (Use 'cm help objectspec' t learn more about repository specs.)



  • If the git repository requires user and password, then use 'url', '--user', and '--pwd' options.
  • If the git repository doesn't require user and password, then use 'url' option with the first sync operation. With next sync operations, 'url' option is optional.
  • To use the SSH protocol to perform the sync, you must have the 'ssh' client added to the PATH environment variable and properly configured to connect to the remote host (i.e. private/public keys configured).
  • Similarity works the same way as the Unity VCS GUI does.


cm sync default@localhost:8087 git git://localhost/repository