
Computes and registers a purge action.

File revisions older than the selected date(s) would be considered for purging and, as a rule, we will keep at least a revision in every branch head and labeled revisions. You can use the cm purge show command to check the selected revisions prior to run it with the cm purge execute command.


cm purge register (<extension> <before_date>)... [--repository=<rep_spec>]


Option / ArgumentDescription
--repositoryRepository where the purge is intended to be applied. It is not necessary within a workspace path but to pick a different one.
extensionExtension of the file type to be purged. Note that revisions of renamed items will also be considered for its removal.
before_dateOnly revisions older than this date will be considered for its removal.



cm purge register ".mkv" "1955-Nov-05 6:00 AM"

(registers a purge action over revisions of Matroska files created before a certain date)

cm purge register ".mkv" "6:00 AM"

(you can specify just the date or just the time)

cm purge register ".mkv" "6:00Z"

(you can specify the time in UTC instead of local time)

cm purge register ".mkv" "1955-Nov-05 6:00 AM" --repository=timemachine

(you can specify a different repository to register the purge)