
Marks files as ready to modify.


cm partial checkout | co [<item_path>[ ...]] [--resultformat=<str_format>] [--silent] [--ignorefailed]


Option / ArgumentDescription
item_pathItems to checkout. Use double quotes (" ") to specify paths containing spaces. Use a whitespace to separate paths. Use . to apply checkout to current directory.
--resultformatRetrieves the output result message in a specific format.
--silentDoes not show any output.
--ignorefailedIf an item cannot be locked (the exclusive checkout cannot be performed), the checkout operation will continue without it.



To checkout an item

  • The item must be under source code control.
  • The item must be checked in.

If locks are configured on the server (lock.conf exists), then each time a checkout on a path happens, Unity VCS checks if it meets any of the rules and if so, the path will be in exclusive checkout (locked) so that none can simultaneously checkout. You can get all the locks in the server by using 'cm lock list'. Check the Administrator Guide to learn how locking works:


cm partial checkout pic1.png pic2.png

(Checkouts 'pic1.png' and 'pic2.png' files.)

cm partial co *.png

(Checkouts all png files.)

cm partial checkout .

(Checkouts current directory.)

cm partial checkout -R c:\workspace\src

(Recursively checkouts 'src' folder.)