
Creates a new workspace.


cm workspace | wk [create | mk] <rep_spec> [create | mk] <wk_name> <wk_path> [<rep_spec>] [create | mk] <wk_name> <wk_path> [--selector[=<selector_file>]

(Creates a new workspace.)

cm workspace | wk [create | mk] <wk_name> <wk_path> --dynamic --tree=[<tree>]

(Creates a dynamic workspace. This feature is still experimental, and it's only available for Windows.)


Option / ArgumentDescription
--selectorEdits a selector for the new workspace. If a selector file is specified, then sets the selector for the new workspace from the specified file.
--dynamicCreates a dynamic workspace. This feature is still experimental, and it's only available for Windows. Specifying this flag requires using the --tree parameter.
--treeUsed with the '--dynamic' flag, specifies the initial point the dynamic workspace is going to load. It can either be a branch, changeset, or label specification. The workspace will later on use the repository in the spec. (Use 'cm help objectspec' to learn more about specs.)
wk_nameThe new workspace name.
wk_pathPath of the new workspace.
rep_specCreates the new workspace with the specified repository. Repository specification: check 'cm help objectspec'.



  • A workspace is a view of the repository mapped to the local filesystem. The workspace selector defines the rules that specify workspace content. Use 'cm showselector' to display a workspace selector or 'cm setselector' to modify it.
  • If neither rep_spec nor '--selector' is specified, then the workspace will automatically be configured to use the first repository (alphabetically) of the server configured in the client.conf file.
  • The dynamic workspaces is a experimental feature (Windows only), and it requires the plasticfs.exe program running.


cm workspace create mycode

cm wk mk mycode

(Creates a 'mycode' workspace pointing to the repository with the same name. The workspace directory will be created under the current directory.)

cm wk mk mycode@localhost:8084

cm wk mk mycode@myorganization@cloud

(Creates a 'mycode' workspace as before, but you can specify different repository server.)

cm workspace create myworkspace c:\workspace

cm wk mk myworkspace /home/john/plastic_view

(Creates 'myworkspace' workspace in Windows and in Linux respectively.)

cm wk mywktest c:\wks\wktest --selector=myselector.txt

(Creates 'mywktest' workspace using the selector in 'myselector.txt' file.)

cm wk mywkprj c:\wks\wkprj myrep@repserver:localhost:8084

(Creates 'mywkprj' workspace with the selected repository.)

cm wk mywkprj c:\dynwks\mywkprj --dynamic --tree=br:/main@myrep@localhost:8084

(Creates dynamic 'mywkprj' workspace with the 'myrep@localhost:8084' repository, pointing to 'br:/main' the first time it gets mounted.)