View incident details
You can view the details of an incident by selecting the incident ID. Incident details are grouped into three categories on the incident page:
- Incident details
- Evidence
- Activities
Incident details
Details available include the ID, a timestamp, offense type, reporter, and offender.
If your project is connected to Safe Voice or Safe Text, a risk score is listed representing the highest risk between Safe Voice and Safe Text detections.
Safe Voice scores and Safe Text behaviours will also appear if applicable.
You can assign a user to an incident from the incident page by selecting a user from the Assign to list.
Player Reports
Evidence is broken down into Safe Voice sessions, Text sessions, and Event Logs.
Selecting a Safe Voice session ID opens the session page where you can play back the reported incident, see Moments, and reported risk scores.
For more information on Safe Voice sessions, refer to Session results.
Text Sessions list the sessions included in the incident and contextual text detections generated by context analysis. For more information about these details, refer to Context analysis.
Events available in the Event Logs view include the events around the incident report.
Events included in the Event Logs include:
- A player joining the channel
- A player leaving the channel
- A player muting another player
- A player unmuting another player
- A player reporting another player
Event logs include players leaving and joining the channel when an incident involves a Vivox channel.
For more information on how to populate incidents with evidence, refer to the Evidence documentation page.
Safe Voice incidents (Mute, Custom, Random sampling)
When accessing this type of incident, the evidence section directly shows the session audio screen.
For more information about the audio session, refer to the Session audio documentation page
Safe Text incidents
When accessing Safe Text detections, the evidence section directly shows the text session screen.
Activities available in the Activity view include all the activities linked to the incident, such as creating the incident and assigning an Organization Owner or User.
Activities include the following actions:
- Incident created
- Incident assignments
- Comments
- Resolutions
- Revoked actions
- Overwritten actions
You can add comments to an incident report from the Activity view by typing into the comment field, then selecting Submit.