Safety Administrators can customize certain settings for Safe Voice and Safe Text to control various aspects related to how the services function.
The various levels of customization are:
- Voice recording settings
- Voice evidence collection: Determine what type of behaviors trigger evidence recording and limit.
- Player consent: Control wether consent is enforced by the service or the developer.
- Voice review settings
- Review rules: Configure which data gets discarded and which data should be reviewed by a moderator.
- Voice policy settings
- Scores: Combine different scores based on what you find the most relevant for your voice chat community and create your own scoring.
- Player segments: Use vocal traits and player behaviors to define player categories and help identify the most vulnerable, toxic, or exemplary players in your community.
- Expression tagging: Map banned keywords and phrases to corresponding tags.
- Text filtering
- Text filtering: Determine the types of content filtered out by the Chat Filter as well as the level of severity to apply.
- Callback settings
- Callback configuration: Configure how Safe Voice should send notifications about the status of processing.
- Results delivery configuration: Configure how Safe Voice delivers the results.
Access the Safe Voice & Safe Texts settings from the Shortcuts sidebar by navigating to Vivox > Safe Voice & Safe Text > Settings.