Player list

The player list lets you review all the players that have been part of an incident in the Moderation service.

All the players listed along with their reputation score from Safe Voice and Safe Text if you have enabled those services.

If you have enabled Safe Voice, it shows the reputation score trend. This represents how the reputation score of the player has evolved over the last 10 incidents the player has been part of.

The list contains the number of resolved and unresolved incidents for each player in the Open Incidents column. By selecting a badge, either Unresolved or Resolved, the Moderation Queue opens, filtered for this specific player.

The Actions column displays past actions taken against the player, indicating how many are active, and how many have expired.

For more details about each player, select the player name, which opens the Player History panel.

Player-list page

Search for players by their UAS ID in the search bar. Note that players aren't searchable by their player name, only their UAS ID.

If you use external identifiers to authenticate players, you can search by any of those other IDs by using the Find Player button.


You can filter the player list page by their reputation. All players that have either a Safe Voice or Safe Text reputation score matching the selected value are shown in the list after selecting a reputation to filter by.

player list filtered