Player history

You can access a player’s history from anywhere the player is displayed (including incident reports). The player name or ID is always selectable and opens the player’s history in a side panel. The player ID is shown at the top of the panel along with the player’s actions and incidents.

Note: If you are using an Authentication package that supports Player Names, the Player ID will reflect that instead of UUIDs.

A screen shot of a players history listing 4 actions; Block from voice & chat. And 6 incidents that the player was involved in.

Player actions

Player actions are actions that an Organization Owner or User has applied to a player in response to an incident report. Users can perform two actions from the Moderation actions dashboard.

  1. Block from voice and chat - Blocks the player from connecting to Vivox. As a result, the player can’t join channels.
  2. Ban from game - Blocks the player from logging into Unity Authentication Services (UAS).

Revoke an action

Users can revoke an action applied to a player at any point for the duration of the action. Common reasons for revoking an action include incorrect sanction, player rehabilitation, and false claim.

To revoke an action applied to a player:

  1. From the Unity Cloud Dashboard, go to Moderation > Incident reports.
  2. Select the Resolved incidents tab.
  3. Select the incident.
  4. From the Details tab, select Revoke.
  5. Confirm that you want to revoke the action.
  6. Select Deactivate.

After a user revokes an action, the action displays as inactive, and the action’s status is reflected in the activity log of the incident report.

View player action history

Actions applied to the player display in the top half of the player history side panel. Each action shows whether it’s active and additional information such as the duration and the expiration date.

  • If an action is active, it shows the duration for which it’s active.
  • If an action is inactive, it shows the time and date at which the action expired or was revoked by a user.

Each action is selectable and links to the incident report.