Collect evidence

Evidence is supplementary information that helps moderators make actioning decisions on reports. Evidence can be event logs, channel information, or recorded audio. To incorporate evidence into your reports, you must use Vivox and Safe Voice or Safe Text in your application. Using both will generate more total evidence for your reports.

Once Safe Voice or Safe Text is enabled, evidence from that services is attached to incidents.

Text evidence from Safe Text

Text evidence management is an optional feature you can add to a Vivox instance that contributes textual context to player reports.

Once you have Vivox Text Chat with Text evidence activated in a project, channel transcripts will be automatically included in player reports where the reporter and offender are both present.

For evidence from Text evidence to be accessible to moderators, they must have the role of Safety Moderator in User Roles settings.

Context analysis

Context analysis is an optional feature you can add to receive automated AI based analysis on text-based messages for additional textual context. Context analysis detects specific toxicity types by analyzing the conversation to help provide a complete picture of text interactions.

Once Context analysis is in a project, text messages are analyzed for inappropriate content and highlighted within player reports and incidents.

Voice evidence from Safe Voice

Once you have Safe Voice activated in a project, follow the Safe Voice documentation to use the service in your application. For evidence from Safe Voice to be accessible to moderators, they must have the role of Safety Moderator in Safe Voice’s User Roles settings.

After Safe Voice is connected to your project, you can configure which Report Types should have Safe Voice evidence attached. To edit these settings, go to Moderation > Settings > Edit, then turn on or off the Safe Voice Evidence setting for the Report Types you want to have recorded evidence for. After configuring this setting, evidence is automatically collected when a player submits a report.

Recorded sessions from Safe Voice appear alongside Incident reports on the Evidence tab in the Moderation dashboard.