Moderation actions

Actions are how moderators can respond to player reports. Moderators can take actions on players to block them from selected features after reviewing a report. Moderators can take action from individual report pages found under Safe Voice and Safe Text > Moderation queue in the Unity Cloud Dashboard.

There are two types of actions available:

  • Game bans
  • Communication sanctions

Safety Moderators can create their own custom actions as well as edit the existing actions. By default, actions can be active for 1, 3, or 7 days, or permanently. These time settings can be edited on the Moderation actions page, allowing moderators to customize the length of time actions are in place for.

You can also set up events for actions that will trigger when used, letting you leverage Cloud Code scripts to customize actions to your game's needs.

Important: For action events and custom actions you must be using Unity Cloud Code.

Game bans

Game bans are applied at the authentication level. When a game ban is applied, the player is blocked from UAS authentication and will no longer be able to access the game due to not being able to be authenticated.

You need to use the Unity Authentication Service (UAS) to identify players to use game bans in your game. For information on getting started with Unity Authentication Service, refer to the UAS documentation.

Communication sanctions

When restricting user communication, Moderators can choose:

  • Voice Mute: Mute the user in voice channels.
  • Mute All: Mute the user in both voice and text communications.
  • Block from voice & chat: Block a user from joining voice and text channels.

When a user is muted with either Voice Mute or Mute All they are still able to listen and read conversations but can’t participate themselves.

Communication sanctions take effect immediately.

Note: You must use Vivox Voice and Text Chat version 16 or higher and UAS to use communication sanctions in your game.

For information on getting started with Vivox Voice and Text Chat, refer to the Vivox documentation.