Fleet analytics

Each fleet has a collection of analytic data that Multiplay Hosting collects from the implemented server query protocol. The Unity Cloud Dashboard displays each data type as a chart or graph, and you can view the fleet data at a global or regional level.

The following live fleet analytic data is available:

Note: You can only view some analytics if you implement the corresponding values with a server query protocol through the build configuration.

To access fleet analytics:

  1. In the Unity Cloud Dashboard, open Multiplay Hosting.
  2. Select Fleets.
  3. Select the fleet you want to analyze.
  4. Select the Analytics tab.

User data analytics

Multiplay Hosting offers the following fleet user data analytics.

Concurrent users

The Concurrent users graph displays the number of live concurrent players across all the fleet’s servers.

User capacity

The User capacity graph shows the live number of allocated users against the unallocated user capacity for fleets of type Allocation, and reserved users versus unreserved user capacity for fleets of type Reserved.

Users per build configuration

The Users per build configuration graph displays the number of concurrent users connected to a game session running a specific build configuration. This graph overlays the data for each build configuration across the chosen time frame.

Server data analytics

Multiplay Hosting offers the following fleet server data analytics.

Server allocations/reservations

This graph displays the number of server allocations or reservations (depending on the type of fleet) within the fleet over a specified time period.

Server instances by hardware type

This chart displays the live number of server instances by hardware type (cloud server versus metal server instances).

Server density

The Server density graph tracks server density as a percentage of users on allocated servers across time.

Server crashes

Crashes happen when a server within the fleet exits unexpectedly or when a server stops sending query data. The Crashes chart displays the number of server failures within the fleet over the specified period.

Major events

Major events include servers restarting and servers crashing. Most server events, apart from crashes, are triggered by performing a server action. The Major events graph displays the number of major events over the specified period.