
Note: The content on this page pertains to Game Server Hosting (Multiplay) available on the Unity Cloud Dashboard. If you’re using Game Server Hosting (Clanforge), refer to the Game Server Hosting (Clanforge) documentation.

Use Game Server Hosting to deploy and run your game servers at scale. When your fleet grows in size, you will need more information on those fleets. Use Extensions to leverage 3rd party services with your game servers to enhance observability and gather valuable insights.

With Extensions, you can ask your Technical Account Manager (TAM) to enable and monitor 3rd party services. These services aim to answer questions around observability, for example: you can bring your logs or your server metrics to your monitoring solution.

Which Extensions are supported

Currently, we support the following Extensions:

  • Datadog: A comprehensive monitoring and analytics platform.
  • Filebeat: Often used to feed data into services such as Logz.io.
  • NetData: Real-time monitoring and troubleshooting for systems and applications.

Each of these Extensions provides insights into your server's behavior.

Account requirements

You need a separate account with each 3rd party provider before you get started with Extensions. For example, if you plan to utilize Datadog, ensure you have an active contract with them. Additionally, you need to define what specific metrics you want to measure and how you do this. Extensions enable your Technical Account Manager (TAM) to take your configuration and seamlessly integrate it into your Game Server Hosting (GSH) deployment.

Configuration and setup

Enabling an Extension involves collaboration with your TAM. Refer to the following steps:

  1. Identify your needs: Begin by discussing your use case with your TAM. Clearly define the data you require insights into.
  2. Account verification: Ensure you have a valid account with the chosen 3rd party service (for example, Datadog). Confirm that the required data can be successfully sent to the service from your servers.
  3. Collaborate with your TAM: Work with your TAM to determine the optimal configuration for your Extension. This will be tailored to your specific requirements.
  4. Enable the Extension: Once the configuration is finalized, your TAM will enable the 3rd party Extension on your GSH deployment.

Considerations and restrictions

It's important to note that certain network configurations, such as using "host" as network_mode, are restricted for security reasons. Your TAM will be able to guide you on any related questions.