Profile list

Warning: The API documentation here is for Clanforge. If you’re using Multiplay Hosting, refer to the Multiplay Hosting API documentation.

Get all profiles for an <accountserviceid> with optional filters.



Request parameters

accountserviceidThe <accountserviceid> parameter accepts an account service ID (ASID) associated with the specified resource. The credentials in the request header must have access to the ASID to perform the request.No
profileidThe <profileid> parameter accepts one or more to profile IDs. If you specify a value for this parameter, the response body only includes information about the provided profile IDs.Yes
modidThe <modid> parameter accepts one or more mod IDs. If you specify a value for this parameter, the response body only includes information about the profiles associated with the provided mod IDs.Yes
game_buildThe <game_build> parameter accepts one or more game builds. If you specify a value for this parameter, the response body only includes information about the profiles associated with the provided game builds.Yes
settingsThe <settings> parameter accepts a boolean value.

If set to true, each profile includes settings information in the response body.

If set to false or excluded, no setting information is included in the response body.


Response fields

profilesarrayList of profile objectsNo

Profile object

profileidintegerID of the profileNo
gameversionidintegerID of the game version connected to this profileNo
namestringName of this profileNo
modidintegerID of the mod connected to this profileNo
gameidintegerID of the game connected to this profileNo
gametype_identifierstringGame type identifier of this profileNo
settingsobjectMap containing setting name string to setting value stringNo
fleetidstringFleet ID connected to this profileNo

Example request

curl --location --request GET '<accountserviceid>&settings=<settings>&game_build=<game_build>' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YOUR_AUTH_CREDENTIALS'

Example response

    "profiles": [
            "profileid": <profileid>,
            "gameversionid": <gameversionid>,
            "name": <name>,
            "modid": <modid>,
            "gameid": <gameid>,
            "gametype_identifier": <gametype_identifier>,
            "settings": {
                "setting1": <setting_value>,
                "setting2": <setting_value>,
            "fleetid": <fleetid>