Image diff create

Warning: The API documentation here is for Clanforge. If you’re using Multiplay Hosting, refer to the Multiplay Hosting API documentation.

Trigger an image difference analysis job, which will report the differences between the latest version of the game image identified by <imageid> and the current state on <machineid>.



Request Parameters

accountserviceidThe <accountserviceid> parameter accepts an account service ID (ASID) associated with the specified resource. The credentials in the request header must have access to the ASID to perform the request.No
imageidThe <imageid> parameter accepts a game image ID of the game image to update.No
machineidThe <machineid> parameter accepts a machine ID of the machine on which to perform the difference analysis.No
diffidThe <diffid> parameter accepts a difference analysis ID.

If a <diffid> is provided, Clanforge will retry the specified difference analysis.

The provided ID must identify a difference analysis that's either complete or failed.


Response Fields

diffidintegerID of the diff being usedNo
jobcreatedintegerUnix timestamp of when the job was createdNo
joberrorstringMessage indicating the job errorYes
jobetaintegerUnix timestamp representing the time at which the job is expected to completeYes
jobfailedintegerNumeric flag indicating whether the job has failedNo
jobprogressintegerPercentage between 0 and 100 indicating job progressNo
jobstartstringUnix timestamp of when the job was startedYes
jobstateidintegerJob state ID indicating the state of the jobYes
jobstatenamestringName of the job stateNo
jobupdatedintegerUnix timestamp of when the job was last updatedNo
successbooleanFlag indicating whether this request was a successNo

Possible job states (values of jobstateid):

1Created (new job)
2Pending (waiting to be queued)
3Queued (waiting to be processed)

Example Request

curl --location --request GET '<accountserviceid>&imageid=<imageid>&machineid=<machineid>&diffid=<diffid>' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YOUR_AUTH_CREDENTIALS'

Example response

    "diffid" : <diffid>,
    "jobcreated" : <jobcreated>,
    "joberror" : <joberror>,
    "jobeta" : <jobeta>,
    "jobfailed" : <jobfailed>,
    "jobprogress" : <jobprogress>,
    "jobstart" : <jobstart>,
    "jobstateid" : <jobstateid>,
    "jobstatename" : <jobstatename>,
    "jobupdated" : <jobupdated>