
Setting the TransmissionMode of the Vivox.Service.Instance controls the channels that microphone audio and injected audio are broadcast into. TransmissionMode is most important to consider for users who will connect to more than one channel at a time.

Transmission settings only control where audio for a specific user goes, and do not affect rendered audio spoken by other users. By default, users do transmit audio into any connected channel; however, you can configure user audio to not automatically transmit into a new channel when it is joined by setting the DisableAutomaticChannelTransmissionSwap field of LoginOptions to true when running VivoxService.Instance.LoginAsync(LoginOptions options = null).

The transmission policy determines whether voice is heard by other channel participants. However, note that many factors can affect whether other channel participants actually hear a user speaking, such as for example, if other users have locally muted the user, if the user has been moderator muted, if the user has globally muted their microphone, or if the user has joined the channel for text only.

Note: If you intend for a user to join all channels as text only, or do not plan for a user to join any channels at all, for example, if you plan to use Vivox only for online status and direct messaging, then no transmission APIs need to be called or considered.