Vivox Unity release notes

Find release notes for all UGS products on the UGS release notes page.

Version 16.5.4

Release overview

This release updates the licenses and third party notices for the package and contains multiple fixes for the Unity SDK.

Key features and bugs addressed

  • GameCore: Improved handling of hotswapping capture and render devices.
  • GameCore: Fixed issues preventing Remote Control functioning with Vivox through Xbox Manager. Refer to the Vivox Xbox documentation for full details.
  • GameCore: Fixed a bug where USB audio devices weren't being detected when plugged in.
  • Fixed a bug where trying to join multiple channels quickly would lead to an exception.

API changes


Known issues


Version 16.5.0

Release overview

This release includes a slew of bug fixes, particularly around token behavior and audio taps along with the inclusion of a couple of new API's to be used in conjunction with the new Vivox Safe Voice service.

Key features and bugs addressed

  • WebGL now has limited support for voice and text chat in a single channel.

  • Moved the IVivoxTokenProvider validation step from Vivox SDK initialization to the Login operation.

  • Made the error reported by the VivoxParticipantTap a bit clearer when the 'Channel Name' or the 'Participant Name' parameter are unknown or not set.

  • Resolved an issue where attempting to rejoin a channel was not possible after a JoinChannelAsync operation experienced a TimeoutException.

  • Resolved an issue where CancellationTokenSource instances used internally were not being disposed of when no longer needed, occasionally resulting in unexpected behavior.

  • Fixed a bug where allocated memory that was supposed to be aligned was not actually aligned.

  • Fixed a bug where the "Channel Name" field for Audio Taps would reset to empty when an unexpected value was entered.

  • Improved the overall experience of interacting with the Audio Tap inspector by registering the tap only after all fields are fully edited, instead of on every character entry.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the VivoxParticipant.ParticipantMuteStateChanged event from firing.

API changes

  • Vivox Safe Voice consent endpoints have been added to the VivoxService, allowing for collection of consent from users for Vivox Safe Voice recordings.

Known issues

  • Some issues are still lingering with automated credential pulling on Unity version 2020 and 2021.

Version 16.4.0

Release overview

This release adds a new sample focused on text-based features such as editing and deleting DMs and channel messages.

Key features and bugs addressed

  • A new sample, Text Chat Sample, has been added to the package. This text-focused sample showcases a robust chat experience that demonstrates sending, editing, and deleting DM or channel messages, as well as retrieving past conversations and their message history.

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the SDK to throw an exception when trying to perform cleanup operations, such as leaving channels, during OnApplicationQuit in the Unity editor.

API changes

  • VivoxConfigurationOptions.IosVoiceProcessingIOMode for configuring how the VoiceProcessing IO unit is used in different scenarios. The IVivoxService.IosVoiceProcessingIOMode can be used to get the current value and IVivoxService.SetIosVoiceProcessingIOMode to set the value at runtime. This configuration is only relevant on iOS.

Known issues
