Commercial metric report
Note: The content on this page pertains to Clanforge. If you’re using Multiplay Hosting, refer to the Multiplay Hosting documentation.
During the integration process, after the playtest, you’ll receive a Commercial metrics report that details the results of the playtest, and recommended configurations based on Clanforge's calculations.
The report covers these sections:
- Operating system: the operating system you selected to run your game server binary.
- Max players per session: the maximum number of players per session or match.
- Game mode: the specific game mode.
- CPU usage: the CPU utilization of your game server plus 10% overhead for the underlying system processes.
- Memory usage: the memory use of your game server plus 10% overhead for the underlying system processes.
- Bandwidth: the average network bandwidth used per player on your game server (in kilobits per second).
Pricing model information
- Bandwidth per player kbps: the average network bandwidth used per player on your game server (in kilobits per second). Same as the bandwidth metric above.
- Operating system: the operating system you selected to run your game server binary.
- Players per session: the number of players per session or match.
- Sessions per cloud instance: the number of sessions per cloud instance.
- Sessions per bare metal machine: the number of sessions per bare metal machine.
- Recommended bare metal specification: the specific classification or specification of bare metal hardware that Clanforge recommends based on metrics.
- Recommended cloud instance specification: the specific classification or specification of cloud instance that Clanforge recommends based on metrics.