Integration best practices
Note: The content on this page pertains to Clanforge. If you’re using Multiplay Hosting, refer to the Multiplay Hosting documentation.
This topic guides you on how to get the most out of Clanforge's services. This isn't an exhaustive list of recommendations but rather the top tips to get your project working its best.
Process cleanup
At the end of a game session, Clanforge recommends you use one of the following methods to “clean up” and prepare the game server for the next session.
- Return to a lobby or a ready state.
- Exit the process gracefully (for example, exit code 0), then Clanforge restarts the process to a ready state.
Returning to the lobby (or a ready state) is preferable to restarting the game server process. Terminating the game server process at the end of a match is a less optional resource use because it’s typically more expensive to restart a process than it's to clean up a process.
Executable names
Clanforge specifies the name of your executable on its back-end to allow the system to locate your binary at startup. If you change the name of your binary files, you must let Clanforge know. Otherwise, your server instances won’t start correctly.
Clanforge doesn’t block any ports on its platform in the range of 8100 to 65355. To learn more about bindable ports, refer to Why does Multiplay require bindable ports?.
Note: Contact the Multiplayer Support team if you want to block any ports within the allowed range.
Universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
If you want to use allocations for backfill requests, you must configure your binary to read the Session ID from a file (for example, serverconfig.json
) on an event trigger. You can configure Clanforge's matchmaker to use any JSON formatted file by specifying it at startup with the -serverjson=<file>
command-line argument.
Event triggers vary across operating systems. You can use a library to watch the file system for changes or you can continuously poll the file for changes. Keep in mind that continuously polling for file changes might lead to performance issues.
Child processes
Clanforge advises against starting additional programs (for example, DataDog, Filebeat) as child processes beneath your game server process. Starting third-party programs in this way increases the likelihood of rogue processes that consume unnecessary compute power if your game server process crashes without initializing garbage collection operations.
Game image updating format
Clanforge requires you to upload your game server files to an AWS S3 bucket, GCP bucket, or Steam. Clanforge recommends uploading your game server as loose files as it allows for easier image comparison and upload to your fleet machines.
Unity engine recommendations
Use the following guidance to get the most out of Clanforge when working with Unity.
Set target frame rate
To avoid causing your server to use 100% of your CPU, the recommended best practice is to set the target frame rate for a Unity server.
To set the target frame rate, add the following code into your server build:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class TargetFPS : MonoBehaviour
public int target = 60;
void Awake()
QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;
Application.targetFrameRate = target;