Commercial metric report

Note: The content on this page pertains to Managed Game Server Hosting (Clanforge). If you’re using Game Server Hosting (Multiplay), refer to the Game Server Hosting (Multiplay) documentation.

During the integration process, after the playtest, you’ll receive a Commercial metrics report that details the results of the playtest, and recommended configurations based on Game Server Hosting's calculations.

The report covers these sections:

  • Keynotes

    • Operating system: the operating system you selected to run your game server binary.
    • Max players per session: the maximum number of players per session or match.
    • Game mode: the specific game mode.
  • Usages

    • CPU usage: the CPU utilization of your game server plus 10% overhead for the underlying system processes.
    • Memory usage: the memory use of your game server plus 10% overhead for the underlying system processes.
    • Bandwidth: the average network bandwidth used per player on your game server (in kilobits per second).
  • Pricing model information

    • Bandwidth per player kbps: the average network bandwidth used per player on your game server (in kilobits per second). Same as the bandwidth metric above.
    • Operating system: the operating system you selected to run your game server binary.
    • Players per session: the number of players per session or match.
    • Sessions per cloud instance: the number of sessions per cloud instance.
    • Sessions per bare metal machine: the number of sessions per bare metal machine.
    • Recommended bare metal specification: the specific classification or specification of bare metal hardware that Game Server Hosting recommends based on metrics.
    • Recommended cloud instance specification: the specific classification or specification of cloud instance that Game Server Hosting recommends based on metrics.