Set Chat Markers

The Chat Markers API gives you control over the creation of Chat Markers. You can use Chat Markers to mark messages as read. It also provides data for the Conversation list API. This functionality works in both channels and direct messages.

To set a conversation's read marker, sign in to the application and use VivoxService.Instance.SetMessageAsReadAsync(). A VivoxMessage input is used by the method to determine which type of conversation it belongs to and the MessageId of the message to set as read. This method sets a read checkpoint for the relevant conversation at the MessageId of the VivoxMessage provided.

Note: The marker is created even if the URI or message doesn’t exist. In the future, this information will be used to augment the Conversations API.

The following code is an example of how to set a Chat Marker.

DateTime seenAt = DateTime.Now; // Optional timestamp for when the message was seen. Default is DateTime.Now converted to UTC.
var readMessage = await VivoxService.Instance.SetMessageAsReadAsync(message, seenAt);

A VivoxMessage with its IsRead property set to true is returned upon completion. Note that DateTime is server side time and not client side time.

Since a VivoxMessage instance canont be created manually, the input for VivoxService.Instance.SetMessageAsReadAsync() needs to come from one of the events or methods in the SDK that provides a VivoxMessage to the client. These are some examples of events and methods that provide VivoxMessage instances that can be used as input for VivoxService.Instance.SetMessageAsReadAsync():

// Events
// Methods