Sign out of a game
When the game no longer wants the user signed in, it calls the VivoxService.Instance.LogoutAsync
method. After the user is signed out, there is no network traffic to or received by the Vivox SDK.
Note: This is typically called when quitting the application, or in the scenario where a user can sign in to different accounts within an app, when disconnecting from the game server.
The following code displays an example of the sign out process:
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Services.Vivox;
class LogoutExample : MonoBehaviour
void LogOut()
To handle sign outs caused by connection issues, the game must handle the event VivoxService.Instance.LoggedOut
. The Vivox SDK sends this message when the connection to Vivox is lost unexpectedly, such as from network connectivity issues, or when a user manually initiates a sign-out.
The following code is an example of how to subscribe to the VivoxService.Instance.LoggedOut
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Services.Vivox;
using System.Components;
class SessionPropChangeExample : MonoBehaviour
VivoxService.Instance.LoggedOut += onVivoxLoggedOut;
private void onVivoxLoggedOut()
//Vivox has logged out, and clean up should be done