Economy Game Overrides with Cloud Code

With Game Overrides you can personalize your in-game Economy. For example, providing seasonal sales that only exist for a short time, or giving veteran players more rewards in a purchase.

How Game Overrides and config caching work with Economy

Please read Config caching for more information on how to use Config assignment hash with Cloud code and the Economy SDK.

For Economy to know which Overrides to apply for a player, it has to know which Overrides are on the client device. Economy returns configAssignmentHash as part of the configuration. Passing the configAssignmentHash to Economy ensures that Economy uses the same configuration that’s on the device and provides a consistent user experience for the player.

Economy SDK 2.0.0 and above passes configAssignmentHash to Economy automatically when interacting with the Economy API. To learn how to use Game Overrides in the Economy SDK, see the Economy SDK guide’s Game Overrides.

Economy SDK 1.0.0 and Economy SDK in Cloud Code do not pass configAssignmentHash to Economy automatically. If Economy does not receive a configAssignmentHash as a parameter, it has a way to ensure consistency with the client device configuration, but in some unusual cases, this configuration can be inconsistent with what is on the client device.

Using Economy Game Overrides with Cloud Code

Another way to use Cloud Code to move your game logic away from the client device is to use it to interact with your game economy. When interacting with Economy from Cloud Code, you need to pass configAssignmentHash to your Cloud Code script and then pass it onto Economy. The SDK has a method of getting configAssignmentHash on the client device. The full steps are as follows:

Cloud Code setup

  1. Set up Cloud Code script with configAssignmentHash as a parameter. A screenshot of the Add a Script dialogue with the added parameters.

  2. Add a script calling Economy in Cloud Code with Economy SDK 2.2 or later.


     *  -------- Example Cloud Code Script --------
     *  Ensure consistency when using Game Overrides with Economy
     * --------------------------------------------
    const { CurrenciesApi } = require("@unity-services/economy-2.2");
     * CommonJS wrapper for the script. It receives a single argument, which can be destructured into:
     *  - params: Object containing the parameters provided to the script, accessible as object properties
     *  - context: Object containing the projectId, environmentId, environmentName, playerId and accessToken properties.
     *  - logger: Logging client for the script. Provides debug(), info(), warning() and error() log levels.
    module.exports = async ({ params, context, logger }) => {
      // Log an info message with the parameters provided to the script and the invocation context"Script parameters: " + JSON.stringify(params));"Authenticated within the following context: " + JSON.stringify(context));
      const { projectId, playerId, accessToken } = context;
      const { currencyId, configAssignmentHash } = params;
      const currencies = new CurrenciesApi({ accessToken });
      const increment = await currencies.incrementPlayerCurrencyBalance({ projectId, playerId, currencyId, configAssignmentHash, currencyModifyBalanceRequest: { currencyId, amount: 10 } });
 "Increment data result: " + JSON.stringify(;
      // Return the JSON result to the client
      return {

Editor setup

  1. Get a configuration from Economy SDK 2.0.0 or above.


    string currencyID = "GOLD";
    CurrencyDefinition goldCurrencyDefinition = EconomyService.Instance.Configuration.GetCurrency(currencyID);
  2. Call:



    from the Economy SDK.

  3. Pass configAssignmentHash from step 2 into Cloud Code.


    await CloudCode.CallEndpointAsync<NewBalance>("AddCurrency", new IncrementBalanceParam(currencyId, configAssignmentHash));

Full example


public async Task<int> IncrementCurrency()
   var goldCurrencyId = "GOLD";
    var configAssignemntHash = EconomyService.Instance.Configuration.GetConfigAssignmentHash();
    var newBalance = await CallIncrementCurrencyEndpoint(goldCurrencyId, configAssignemntHash);
     return newBalance;

public async Task<int> CallIncrementCurrencyEndpoint(string currencyId, string configAssignmentHash)
   var newBalanceResult = await CloudCode.CallEndpointAsync<NewBalance>(
                    "AddCurrency", new IncrementBalanceParam(currencyId, configAssignmentHash));

   return newBalanceResult.newBalance;

public class NewBalance
   public int newBalance;

public class IncrementBalanceParam
    public string currencyId;
   public string configAssignmentHash;

   public IncrementBalanceParam(string currencyId, string configAssignmentHash)
       this.currencyId = currencyId;
       this.configAssignmentHash = configAssignmentHash;

   public override string ToString()
      return $"{{\"currencyId\": @currencyId, \"configAssignmentHash\": @configAssignmentHash }}";


See Config Caching Pitfalls