UVCS Plugin for Intellij IDEs

This plugin is compatible with:

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • PyCharm
  • PhpStorm
  • WebStorm
  • RubyMine
  • AppCode
  • CLion
  • GoLand
  • DataGrip
  • Rider
  • MPS
  • Android Studio

How to install?

Using UVCS' installer

During UVCS' installation, the wizard will suggest the possibility to install the IDEA plug-in. This process will do two things:

  • It will install the plugin in the appropriate folder of your JetBrains IDE installation
  • And it will also install it in a separate folder with the following path ${INSTALL_DIR}/intellij_plugin/plastic4idea.jar (This makes the plugin available to install in any new version of the JetBrains IDE). It will also contain a README file with the steps to follow for the process to be successful.

Installing from Disk

From within your IDE you can go to the plugins section and select the option Install Plugins from Disk. The plug-in will be installed in the following folder


in which you will also find a README fill with instructions on how to copy the plug-in in the IDE's folder.

 Using the plugin

Let's use Rider as an example of the integration. Performing a checkout is a point and click task:

As well as moving from branch to branch:

Plastic features are also available from the context menu of the secondary mouse click as seen below:

But there is also a dedicated pane for all things VCS: local changes to checkin to remote, History and revisions, unversioned files and ignored ones…

One of UVCS' main features, semantic diffing (understanding code structure to reduce integration conflicts), is now embedded in your Rider interface.

From Rider's GUI too the annotated lines and history of the local files can be displayed to understand the projects history.