Resolve merge conflicts

If you have a merge conflict, you can resolve it in the Unity VCS desktop client.

For information on merge conflicts, refer to Merge conflicts. For information on how to navigate the merge window, refer to Navigate the Mergetool window.

  1. Merge your branch.
  2. Select the Check in merge! Button, which opens the Mergetool window if you have manual merge conflicts to resolve.
  3. Select which version of the conflicted line you want to use.
    • To remove a contribute line from the result file, select the Deselect bar at the top of that contributor panel.
    • To manually edit a line, use the Result file panel.
    • If you don’t want to keep the result file, select Mark as resolved.
  4. Select the red arrow icon next to Pending to solve to switch to the next merge conflict.
  5. Once you have resolved all conflicts, select Save and exit.

Note: When you select or deselect a contributor file for a conflicted line, you erase any manual changes you made to that line.