Navigate the Mergetool window
Contributor panels
The three top panels in the window show three different versions of the file that has conflicts. These versions are the following:
Contributor Panel | Description |
Source | The Source panel contains the file with the changes that you are merging. |
Destination | The Destination panel contains the file that you are merging your changes into. |
Base | The Base panel contains the file that is a common ancestor for both the source and destination files. |
The conflicted lines are color coded so that you can identify them in the Result file. Above each panel, there is a Deselect/Select bar that you can select to toggle whether or not the Result file panel includes that contributor's version of the conflicted line. For more information, refer to Resolve merge conflicts.
Result file
The Result file initially displays each contributor's version of the conflicted lines, color coded to help you distinguish between them. As you resolve the merge conflicts, the Result file updates to display only the selected lines. You can also manually edit lines in the Result file panel.
Conflict navigation
There are two types of arrow navigation in the top toolbar:
Navigation type | Description |
Unresolved conflicts | The red Pending to solve arrow buttons allow you to directly navigate to either the next or the previous unresolved conflict. This feature assists in quickly addressing conflicts that require resolution. |
All conflicts | The black arrow buttons direct you to all types of conflicts in your files. You can skip to the first or last conflict, or go to the next or previous conflict using these arrows. This functionality aids in navigating through all conflicts, whether resolved or unresolved, within the merge process. |
You can also select the colored conflict bars in the scroll bar to skip to a specific conflict.
Save options
Option | Description |
Save & Exit | Saves the current contents of the merge results (bottom) pane as a checked-out revision of the item, on the destination branch. Then closes the 3-way Merge window. If conflicts remain unresolved, a dialog prompts for further action. |
Keep source contributor & exit | Saves the source contributor as a checked-out revision of the item on the destination branch. Then, closes the 3-way Merge window. |
Keep base contributor & exit | Saves the base contributor as a checked-out revision of the item on the destination branch. Then, closes the 3-way Merge window. |
Keep destination contributor & exit | Saves the destination contributor as a checked-out revision of the item on the destination branch. Then, closes the 3-way Merge window. |
Exit with unresolved conflicts
Option | Description |
Save & Exit | Continue with the save operation. The work you've done in this window is preserved, but UVCS does not consider this item's revisions to have been merged. (It does not create a merge link for this item.) |
Exit without saving | Close the 3-way Merge window without saving the work you've done. UVCS does not consider this item's revisions to have been merged. |
Cancel | Go back to working in the 3-way Merge window. |
Merge options
Menu | Description |
Find | Open a text box to find in the Results pane. |
Options | A menu of several options related to merging. |
Diff actions | Diff base with source, base with destination, or source with destination. Diff the three revisions involved in the merge in a separate window launched directly from the mergetool. |