Check build results

Build Automation provides detailed information about each build’s status, metrics, and progress. This helps you monitor build performance, troubleshoot issues, and track running builds.

View build results

To access detailed information on all build attempts in the Unity Cloud Dashboard, navigate to DevOps > Build Automation > Build history.

The build history table displays a list of all your build attempts along with their statuses, build targets, platforms, build times, and completion times.

Build Status

Build Automation marks each with a status icon to indicate its result:

  • "Build succeeded icon" - Build succeeded.
  • "Build failed icon" - Build failed.
  • "Build was canceled icon" - Build was canceled.
  • "Build is queued icon" - Build is queued. A build might queue if a builder isn't currently available to be assigned to the build attempt, or if you have reached your concurrency limit. If you’ve reached the concurrency limit, a warning message appears at the top of the page notify you.
  • "Build is sent to a builder icon" - Build is sent to a builder. The build process hasn't started yet because the builder is being provisioned or the environment is being prepared.
  • "Build is currently in progress icon" - Build is currently in progress. You can monitor the progress running builds until completion.

Detailed build information

You can view more detailed information on specific builds, including those in progress.

Select the arrow next to the build entry in the Build History table to display the detailed information panel and expand metrics for the selected build, including:

Build ResultThe current status, whether in progress, succeeded, failed, or canceled.
Start and Finish TimesThe start time is displayed for in-progress builds. The finish time appears for completed builds.
Build TimeThe total time taken or elapsed for the build.
Wait TimeThe time spent in the queue before the build started.
Checkout TimeThe time taken to check out the repository.
Billable Build TimeThe time counted toward billing once the build begins.
Workspace SizeThe amount of storage space used during the build.

Download build artifacts

To access and download the build artifacts for successful builds:

  1. In the Build History table, locate the build entry for which you need artifacts.
  2. On the right side of the build entry, click the three dots to open the options menu.
  3. Select Download .ZIP file from the dropdown menu to download the build artifacts as a compressed file.

This downloaded file contains the build outputs and assets generated during the build, which can be used for further testing, distribution, or archival purposes.

"Unity Build Automation - Download Build Artifacts"

Share build artifacts externally

You can share build artifacts with individuals who don't have an account associated with your project. Build Automation can automatically generate shareable links, allowing you to send builds via email or through integrations like Slack. Additionally, you can generate these links manually from the dropdown menu of a given build.

To share a build:

  1. Locate the build entry in the Build History table.
  2. Select the three dots on the right side of the entry to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Select Share Link from the dropdown menu to generate a shareable link.

Note that share links expire after two weeks by default. If needed, you can adjust the expiration period within the share link options of the build you want to share.

"Unity Build Automation - Share Build Artifacts Externally"

View Logs

If a build encounters issues that result in build failures, you can view logs to diagnose the problem:

  1. In the Build History table, locate the build entry.
  2. Select Logs on the right side of the entry to open the log file.
  3. Review the logs to identify any errors or warnings that may have caused the build failure.