Data safety requirements for Unity Gaming Services products

Developers publishing on the App Store, for Apple platforms, or the Google Play Store, for Android, must define what data their apps collect, including the data that integrated third-party SDKs collect. For your convenience, Unity Gaming Services provides information on its data collection practices for each product.

  • For more information on Apple's data collection disclosure policies, including terminology definitions, refer to the Apple documentation.
  • For more information on Google's data safety disclosure policies, including terminology definitions, refer to the Google documentation.

Build your foundations


ServiceData privacy documentation
AuthenticationApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety

Content management

ServiceData privacy documentation
Cloud CodeApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
Cloud Content DeliveryApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
Cloud SaveApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
Remote ConfigApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety

Multiplayer services

ServiceData privacy documentation
Game Server HostingApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
LobbyApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
MatchmakerApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
RelayApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety

Engage your players

Analytics and Player Engagement

ServiceData privacy documentation
AnalyticsApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
Push NotificationsApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety


ServiceData privacy documentation
FriendsApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
LeaderboardsApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
Safe VoiceApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety
VivoxApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety

Crash Reporting

ServiceData privacy documentation
Cloud DiagnosticsApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety

Grow your game

Game economy

ServiceData privacy documentation
EconomyApple privacy manifest
Google Play data safety


ServiceData privacy documentation
Services CoreApple privacy manifest