Navigate code reviews

View files

In the Changed Files tab, you can view either a list of files or a list of comments. To switch between the two lists, select either the Files or Comments button above the file window.

Filter files

There are multiple ways to navigate the files in the Changed Files tab:

  • Filter by file type.
  • Filter by Action (added, changed, deleted, or moved).
  • Select Tree view or List view.

You can move through files using the arrow buttons next to the Files button in the toolbar.

Enter focus mode

On the top navigation bar of the Unity Cloud Dashboard, select the expand Enter focus mode icon. This collapses both left-hand navigation bars for a more focused view. To exit focus mode, select the expand icon again.

Change comparison method

You can change the way diffs are displayed to suit your reviewing needs.

To change how you view diffs, select the gear icon. The following are the diff display options:

Under reviewThe code review is unfinished.
Rework requiredThe code review requires changes before you can merge it.
ReviewedThe code review is approved and ready to merge.

View comments

You can view all comments on the code review in the Conversation tab.

You can also view change requests and questions from the Changed Files tab in order to see them in context:

  1. Select the Comments button.
  2. Select the specific comment you want to view from the sidebar.