

An end-to-end data and analysis solution designed to support your entire studio. Analytics lets studios easily understand game performance and player behaviors.


Average revenue per daily active users for players in and not in the campaign by calendar date.


Players that are grouped by criteria such as player behavior or location. Audiences can be targeted to personalize their game journey.


Logical partitions for Unity Game Services that contain data associated with your project.


A key is used to integrate and configure the SDK. For Google you need a Firebase Service Account Key. For Apple you need an Apple Key.


Recorded when a notification is opened. Contains data on which campaign and cohort the user was in, and if the app was launched from the notification.


Recorded when a new token is registered on the client, containing the push token.

Open Rate

Percentage of notifications opened by players by calendar date.

Private key

A key is used to integrate and configure the SDK. For Google you need a Firebase Service Account Key. For Apple you need an Apple Key.


Purchase for players in and not in the campaign by calendar date

Push Notifications

Push Notifications is a feature you can use to schedule rich push messages to a selection of chosen players. Currently this is available for Android and iOS only. Use Push Notifications to tell players about things that are happening in their game from outside the game. You can measure how many players have opened them and then started your game as a result.


Use Reporting to see the performance of your Push Notifications. To see specific information about your Push Notification, choose between metrics like Application Open and Purchases. Select the time frame since the send date, from 24 hours to 30 days.


Software developer kit, that adds functionality and features to your Unity project, such as the sending of events for analysis.

Send Once

Choose to send a notification once.

Send Recurring

Choose to set up a recurring notification.

Unity Editor

A real-time 3D development platform and editor to make creative projects.