Leaderboard assets

NOTE: To enable this feature, install the deployment package


Right-click the Project Window, then select Create > Leaderboard Configuration to create a Leaderboard configuration file.

File Format

Leaderboard configuration files must respect this JSON schema. The $schema field has been added to the default configuration files to enable intellisense in IDEs.


Following example contains 5 keys:

  1. A string key "Name"
  2. A string enum key "SortOrder"
  3. A string enum key "UpdateType"
  4. A json key "ResetConfig"
  5. A json key "TieringConfig"
  "$schema": "https://ugs-config-schemas.unity3d.com/v1/leaderboards.schema.json",
  "Name": "leaderboard_config",
  "SortOrder": "asc",
  "UpdateType": "keepBest",
  "ResetConfig": {
    "Start": "2023-10-21T00:00:00-04:00",
    "Schedule": "0 12 1 * *"
  "TieringConfig": {
    "Strategy": "score",
    "Tiers": [
        "Id": "Gold",
        "Cutoff": 200.0
        "Id": "Silver",
        "Cutoff": 100.0
        "Id": "Bronze"

File Deployment

Once created, files can be deployed to the environment selected. To deploy a file go to Window > Deployment (2021.3+) or Services > Deployment (2022+).
Once opened, the Deployment Window will display all of your local Leaderboard configuration files and enable you to deploy them.
For more information on the expected deployment window workflow, please consult the "com.unity.services.deployment" package's documentation.