
You can configure leaderboards to reset automatically on a predefined schedule or you can reset them manually. Resetting a leaderboard clears out all of the current scores.

When resetting a leaderboard you can optionally create a read-only archive copy of the current leaderboard scores, which game clients can access by fetching scores for that archived version.

Manual resets

To reset leaderboards in the Unity Cloud Dashboard, select the leaderboard and select Reset Leaderboard. You can also reset leaderboards using the CLI and by using the Admin API.

When resetting a leaderboard from the Unity Cloud Dashboard, you can optionally create an archive of the scores before you reset the leaderboard.

Scheduled resets

You can configure a scheduled reset to be a recurring reset or a one time reset.

If you configure a scheduled recurring reset, scores contained in the leaderboard will expire based on this schedule and users will be able to submit new scores for each reset cycle.

For advanced configuration options for scheduled resets - e.g. using @every 72h to reset a leaderboard every 3 days - check the documentation for resetConfig option in the Admin API.

As with manual resets you can configure leaderboards to automatically create an archive on reset.