Get scores for other players

Get the scores for other players in the specified leaderboard with the GetScoresByPlayerIdsAsync method:


public async void GetScoresByPlayerIds()
    var otherPlayerIds = new List<string>{ "abc123", "abc456" };
    var scoresResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance
        .GetScoresByPlayerIdsAsync(leaderboardId, otherPlayerIds);

To get the score with any associated metadata, use the IncludeMetadata option in the GetScoresByPlayerIdsOptions configuration object:


public async void GetScoresByPlayerIdsWithMetadata()
    var scoreResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance
            new GetScoresByPlayerIdsOptions { IncludeMetadata = true });

Metadata is not retrieved by default.

For methods that retrieve scores: if your player has not submitted a score and the leaderboard is bucketed, the player is not assigned a bucket. A failed score retrieval returns an error that has its Reason field set to ScoreSubmissionRequired.