Get scores from a leaderboard version

Players can get scores from a specified leaderboard version with the GetVersionScoresAsync method. By default the method fetches the top 10 scores:


public async void GetVersionScores()
    var scoresResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance
        .GetVersionScoresAsync(leaderboardId, versionId);

Paginated access to all scores in the leaderboard is available by specifying the optional GetVersionScoresOptions object with the optional Offset and Limit pagination arguments. Offsetis the number of entries to skip when retrieving the leaderboard scores and defaults to 0. Limit is the number of leaderboard scores to return and defaults to 10.


public async void GetPaginatedVersionScores()
    var scoresResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance.GetVersionScoresAsync(
        new GetVersionScoresOptions{ Offset = 25, Limit = 50 }

To get the score with any associated metadata, use the IncludeMetadata option in the GetVersionScoresOptions configuration object:


public async void GetVersionScoresWithMetadata()
    var scoresResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance.GetVersionScoresAsync(
        new GetVersionScoresOptions { IncludeMetadata = true }

Metadata is not retrieved by default.

For details on how to get available leaderboard version IDs, see Get available leaderboard version.

For methods that retrieve scores: if your player has not submitted a score and the leaderboard is bucketed, the player is not assigned a bucket. A failed score retrieval returns an error that has its Reason field set to ScoreSubmissionRequired.