Get scores for a certain tier from a leaderboard version

This method fails when your leaderboard is not configured with tiers. When you retrieve scores by tier, the returned LeaderboardEntry response tiers are contextual to the rank. For example, if a rank named Silver starts at rank 100 and a player’s global rank is 101, their rank within the Silver tier is 1.

To get scores for a particular tier from a leaderboard version, use the GetVersionScoresByTierAsync method. By default this method returns the top 10 scores from the specified tier:


public async void GetVersionScoresByTier()
    var versionId = "";
    var scoresResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance
        .GetVersionScoresByTierAsync(leaderboardId, versionId, "silver");

Paginated access to all scores within the tier is available by specifying the optional GetVersionScoresByTierOptions object with the optional Offset and Limit pagination arguments. Offsetis the number of entries to skip when retrieving the leaderboard scores and defaults to 0. Limit is the number of leaderboard scores to return and defaults to 10.


public async void GetPaginatedVersionScoresByTier()
    var scoresResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance.GetVersionScoresByTierAsync(
        new GetVersionScoresByTierOptions{ Offset = 25, Limit = 50 }

To get the score with any associated metadata, use the IncludeMetadata option in the GetVersionScoresByTierOptions configuration object:


public async void GetVersionScoresByTierWithMetadata()
    var scoresResponse = await LeaderboardsService.Instance.GetVersionScoresByTierAsync(
        new GetVersionScoresByTierOptions { IncludeMetadata = true }

Metadata is not retrieved by default.

For details on how to get available leaderboard version IDs, visit Get available leaderboard version.

For methods that retrieve scores: if your player has not submitted a score and the leaderboard is bucketed, the player is not assigned a bucket. A failed score retrieval returns an error that has its Reason field set to ScoreSubmissionRequired.