Trigger structure

A trigger configuration defines what should be invoked when an event is fired.

It may look like this:

  "name" : "example-trigger",
  "eventType" : "{{SERVICE_NAME}}.{{EVENT_NAME}}.v{{EVENT_VERSION}}",
  "actionUrn" : "urn:ugs:cloud-code:{{SCRIPT}}",
  "actionType" : "cloud-code",
  "filter": "data['parameter'] == 'value'"
  • name: The name of the trigger. It must be unique per project.
  • eventType: Used to match the trigger to an event. It is composed of the eventName and eventVersion fields, corresponding to the eventName and payloadVersion fields in the event configuration.
  • actionUrn: Defines what should be invoked when the trigger is fired. For example, urn:ugs:cloud-code:TestScriptinvokes the TestScript Cloud Code script, or urn:ugs:cloud-code:TestModule/TestFunction invokes the TestFunction function in the TestModule Cloud Code module.
  • actionType: The type of the action to be executed when the trigger is fired. Currently, only cloud-code is supported.
  • filter: An optional field that defines a condition that must be met for a trigger to fire. If the condition isn't met, the trigger doesn't fire. For more information, refer to Filters.

Note: You can only create triggers with filters through the Triggers API.

Overlap with events

Triggers are associated with events. When an event is fired, the associated trigger is invoked. The event and the trigger must share the same eventName and payloadVersion configuration.

Note: The eventType maps an event to a trigger.

Scheduled events

Given the following schedule configuration:

  "name" : "recurring-schedule",
  "eventName": "example-event",
  "type": "recurring",
  "schedule": "0 0 * * *",
  "payloadVersion": 1,
  "payload": "{\"someBoolean\": true, \"someString\": \"something\"}"

And the following trigger configuration:

  "name" : "example-trigger",
  "eventType" : "",
  "actionUrn" : "urn:ugs:cloud-code:my-script",
  "actionType" : "cloud-code"

You can associate the trigger with the event type by setting the eventType field in the trigger configuration to the eventName and payloadVersion fields in the schedule configuration.

When the schedule configuration is deployed, the schedule is triggered at the specified time, sending an event to the Triggers service, which in turn invokes the associated Cloud Code resource.

UGS events

Given you want to associate a trigger with an event type from UGS, you need to specify the event type in the trigger configuration.

For example, if you want to fire a trigger on the Authentication: Signed Up event, you can create the following trigger configuration:

  "name" : "example-trigger",
  "eventType" : "",
  "actionUrn" : "urn:ugs:cloud-code:my-script",
  "actionType" : "cloud-code"

Every time a user signs up, the trigger is fired, invoking the my-script Cloud Code script.

Multiple events per trigger

You can associate the same event with multiple triggers.

Note: The current limit for the number of triggers per event type is 32.

For example, you can create two triggers that invoke when a user signs up.

The first trigger invokes the add-cloud-save-data script to add a Cloud Save data entry for the authenticated user:

  "name" : "auth-cloud-save",
  "eventType" : "",
  "actionUrn" : "urn:ugs:cloud-code:add-cloud-save-data",
  "actionType" : "cloud-code"

The second trigger invokes the add-economy-items endpoint from Economy module to add a virtual item to the authenticated user:

  "name" : "auth-economy",
  "eventType" : "",
  "actionUrn" : "urn:ugs:cloud-code:Economy/add-economy-items",
  "actionType" : "cloud-code"

Every time a user signs up, both triggers are fire and invoke the associated Cloud Code resources.