
Both Scheduling and Triggers Admin APIs only accept authenticated requests. Only Service Account Authentication can authenticate these services.

Authenticate players

The Scheduler and Trigger APIs currently do not support player authentication.

Authenticating trusted clients (Basic authentication)

You can use the Scheduler and Trigger APIs with Service Account Authentication.

To access the Triggers Admin API and the Scheduler Admin API, use Basic authentication. You can use the Service Account credentials directly by base64 encoding the <KEY_ID>:<SECRET_KEY>.

Grant the appropriate permissions to Service Account before use.

Refer to the table below for available roles for Triggers.

Access rightsRole
Read triggersTriggers Configuration Viewer
Read/Write/Delete triggersTriggers Configuration Editor

Refer to the table below for available roles for the Scheduler.

Access rightsRole
Read schedulesScheduler Configuration Viewer
Read/Write/Delete schedulesScheduler Configuration Editor

Check Service Account Authentication for more information.